Learn tried and tested methods to reduce stress and anxiety, and increase mental clarity and focus. Discover how to solve daily problems and respond to life’s challenges constructively by developing a peaceful, positive outlook.KMC Kent offers classes on meditation and Buddhism at all levels with the aim of helping anyone find inner peace and a solution to daily problems. Everyone is welcome!
Includes Us 2 is a parent-driven charity providing information and support to disabled children, young people and their families. We offer a free family support service for families who have a child with a disability or additional needs. We run accessible, subsidised family events, trips and activities.
Home | Blossoms Care Services Blossoms Care Services, providing care in the community
Zoom and face to face classes avaliable
Personal fitness instructor and sports massage, ashford kent. I am a fully qualified Personal Fitness instructor& Sports Masseuse. I have helped a variety of clients ranging in ages from 17 – 78.
Yoga Therapy, Pregnancy Yoga, Yoga classes in Folkestone Yoga classes, Individual Yoga sessions, Yoga therapy and Pregnancy Yoga, for health and wellbeing of mind, body and heart, in Folkestone.
A very warm welcome to the Barton Court Grammar School website. I am sure that you will find it informative and enjoyable to explore. We hope that this website will give you an insight into the high quality of education you can expect your son/daughter to receive at Barton Court Grammar School.
Restoring Health Ltd - Soft Tissue Massage Therapy Soft Tissue Massage Therapy, Relief from aches and pains, posture, quality of life, Sports Massage, Performance, Rehabilitation, exercise prescription