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16 Educators providing Warehouse courses in Epping

M C M Pvt

m c m pvt


MCM Group is a professional global provider for mobile terminal device solutions who can provide services of supply chain, manufacturing, cloud platforms, software & hardware. It is also a Hi-tech enterprise of state-level whose products mainly cover PCBA, Mobile phones products etc. It keeps providing global customers with cost-effective products and services. MCM is a young, energetic and rapidly growing company. In the time of mobile internet wave, with a goal that everyone around the world would have access to mobile internet at their convenience, we listen to our clients' needs with greatest efforts, and continuously work hard in R & D and innovation. MCM Telecom Equipment Pvt Ltd is one of the leading Global EMS companies with strong partnership record of servicing customer in India & Globally. Founded in 2015 at Noida, Uttar Pradesh under the "Make in India" initiative by Government of India. As a Global EMS Manufacturing company, we at MCM focused on Flexible Manufacturing Process, Robust IT Infrastructure and On Time Delivery for our Customer. MCM is offering One Stop Solution for all kind of Electronics Products Manufacturing like PCBA, Mobile Phones, Set Top Box, Wearable Products such as Smart Watch, Health Band, Neck Band etc. MCM Quality Policy of Zero Defects and competitive products and services delivered to customers on time. MCM manufacturing facilities accredited with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ESD S20:20-2014 MCM offering World Class IT Infrastructure to their customer which include SAP, MES - Shop Floor Management, SMT, WMS - Warehouse Management & OA - Office Automation MCM has 7 SMT lines, with a monthly capacity of 1.5kK SMTs; 2 automatic plug-in & wave-soldering lines, with a monthly capacity of 600k; 24 assembly lines and 6 packaging lines, with a monthly capacity of 1.5KK finished phones. MCM, going with the times and actively embracing change, will provide global customers and users with better products and services.

Academy for Health and Fitness

academy for health and fitness



WHO WE ARE Academy for Health and Fitness is your premier online destination for accredited health and fitness courses. We're committed to helping you transform your life through our comprehensive programs. Our courses are meticulously designed to cater to three core areas: fitness, therapy, and health. We offer a vast array of online courses and a robust certification program that empowers millions of professionals with the skills they need to excel in their careers. Our focus is on equipping you with the expertise necessary to thrive in today's dynamic world. OUR MISSION As a leading online health and fitness course provider, our mission is to deliver exceptional learning experiences and make quality education accessible to everyone. We strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence, transparency, and customer service. OUR VISION Our vision is to become the UK's most trusted and respected online course provider. We aim to create a safe and flexible learning environment that maximizes your potential and enhances your employability. WHAT WE OFFER * Expert-Curated Courses: Our courses are developed by industry-leading experts. * Fully Accredited Courses and Study Materials: Ensure quality and credibility. * Business Team Training: Tailor-made programs for corporate teams. * Affordable Subscriptions: Flexible payment options to suit your budget. * Accredited Certifications: Validate your skills and expertise. * New Courses Monthly: Stay updated with the latest trends. * Flexible Learning: Learn at your own pace and convenience. * 24/7 Support: Dedicated assistance whenever you need it. WHY CHOOSE US We're dedicated to providing unparalleled customer service and the most comprehensive selection of online health and fitness courses. With new courses added regularly, you can be confident in your choice to learn from us. Our exceptional customer support team is always ready to assist you on your journey to success.

Jobs4U - Your It- Recruitment Partner

jobs4u - your it- recruitment partner


Jobs4U -Your European and American IT-recruitment Partner JoBs4U is an IT-recruitment firm with a twist. We provide high quality IT-recruitment solutions to clients all over the EU and the US. We provide our clients with top notch staff from accross the EU and the wider world. Our main markets are the Nordics, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland the UK and the rest of the EU. We help companies of all sizes with recruitment and staffing both on - site and remote teams as well as consultancy in HR, management, marketing management, internationalisation of businesses, in other words, we are not just an IT-recruiter.. We provide our customers with everything from full stack developers to programmers and designers, many which are game designers and game developers to our clients in the gaming industry. We provide both front end developers and back end developers and other specialists. Our social mission is to promote women in IT, to inform and inspire. JoBs4U, For People By People! Jobs4U är ett IT rekryterings företag som hjälper IT företag inom hela EU hitta personal Vår främsta marknad är den Nordiska, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge och Island. Vi rekryterar allt från full stack developers till programmerare och spelutvecklare och designers. Vi hyr även ut personal både de som ärbetar på plats men även remote teams som är vår specialitet. Vi erbjuder även konsulttjänster inom HR, Management, marknadsföring och organisation. Vår mission är att arbeta för en större inklusivitet genom att arbeta för att öka andelen kvinnor inom IT branschen. Detta gör vi genom att föra fram starka kvinnliga kandidater, att informera och inspirera. JoBs4u - För Människor, Av Människor. Jobs4U er et IT -rekrutteringsselskap som hjelper IT -selskaper i hele EU, men vårt hovedmarked er de nordiske landene, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island. Vi rekrutterer alt fra full stack -utviklere til programmerere og spillutviklere og designere. Vi ansetter også ansatte både de som jobber på stedet, men også eksterne team som er vår spesialitet. Vi tilbyr også konsulenttjenester innen HR, ledelse, markedsføring og organisasjon. Vårt oppdrag er å arbeide for større inkludering ved å arbeide for å øke andelen kvinner i IT -bransjen. Vi gjør dette ved å bringe frem sterke kvinnelige kandidater, informere og inspirere. JoBs4u - For mennesker, av mennesker. Jobs4U er en IT -rekrutteringsvirksomhed, der hjælper it -virksomheder i hele EU, men vores hovedmarked er de nordiske lande, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island. Vi rekrutterer alt fra fulde stack -udviklere til programmører og spiludviklere og designere. Vi ansætter også personale både dem, der arbejder på stedet, men også fjernteam, som er vores speciale. Vi tilbyder også konsulentydelser inden for HR, Management, marketing og organisation. Vores mission er at arbejde for større inklusivitet ved at arbejde for at øge andelen af kvinder i it -branchen. Det gør vi ved at bringe stærke kvindelige kandidater frem, informere og inspirere. JoBs4u - For mennesker, af mennesker. Jobs4U er ráðningarfyrirtæki í upplýsingatækni sem hjálpar upplýsingatæknifyrirtækjum um allt ESB en aðalmarkaðurinn okkar er Norðurlöndin, Svíþjóð, Finnland, Danmörk, Noregur og Ísland. Við ráðum allt frá hönnuði til fullra stafla til forritara og leikjahönnuða og hönnuða. Við ráðum einnig starfsfólk bæði þá sem vinna á staðnum en einnig afskekkt teymi sem er sérgrein okkar. Við bjóðum einnig upp á ráðgjafarþjónustu í HR, stjórnun, markaðssetningu og skipulagi. Markmið okkar er að vinna að aukinni aðgreiningu með því að vinna að því að auka hlutfall kvenna í upplýsingatækniiðnaði. Við gerum þetta með því að koma fram sterkum kvenkyns frambjóðendum, upplýsa og hvetja. JoBs4u - Fyrir fólk, eftir fólki. Jobs4U on IT -rekrytointiyritys, joka auttaa IT -yrityksiä kaikkialla EU: ssa, mutta päämarkkina -alueemme ovat Pohjoismaat, Ruotsi, Suomi, Tanska, Norja ja Islanti. Rekrytoimme kaikkea täyspino -kehittäjistä ohjelmoijiin, pelikehittäjiin ja suunnittelijoihin. Palkkaamme myös henkilökuntaa sekä paikan päällä työskenteleviä että myös etätyöryhmiä, jotka ovat erikoisuutemme. Tarjoamme myös henkilöstöhallinnon, johtamisen, markkinoinnin ja organisaation konsultointipalveluja. Missiomme on parantaa osallisuutta lisäämällä naisten osuutta IT -alalla. Teemme tämän tuomalla esiin vahvoja naiskandidaatteja, informoimalla ja inspiroimalla. JoBs4u - Ihmisille, Ihmisille. Jobs4U ist ein IT-Recruitment-Unternehmen, das IT-Unternehmen in der gesamten EU hilft, aber unser Hauptmarkt sind die nordischen Länder, Schweden, Finnland, Dänemark, Norwegen und Island. Wir rekrutieren alles, von Full-Stack-Entwicklern über Programmierer bis hin zu Spieleentwicklern und -designern. Wir stellen auch Mitarbeiter ein, die sowohl vor Ort arbeiten, als auch Remote-Teams, was unsere Spezialität ist. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Beratungsleistungen in den Bereichen Personal, Management, Marketing und Organisation an. Unsere Mission ist es, für mehr Inklusion zu arbeiten, indem wir daran arbeiten, den Frauenanteil in der IT-Branche zu erhöhen. Wir tun dies, indem wir starke Kandidatinnen hervorbringen, informieren und inspirieren. JoBs4u - Für Menschen, von Menschen. Jobs4U es una empresa de contratación de TI que ayuda a empresas de TI en toda la UE, pero nuestro principal mercado son los países nórdicos, Suecia, Finlandia, Dinamarca, Noruega e Islandia. Reclutamos todo, desde desarrolladores full stack hasta programadores y desarrolladores y diseñadores de juegos. También contratamos personal tanto a los que trabajan en el sitio como a equipos remotos que es nuestra especialidad. También ofrecemos servicios de consultoría en RRHH, Management, marketing y organización. Nuestra misión es trabajar por una mayor inclusión trabajando para aumentar la proporción de mujeres en la industria de TI. Hacemos esto presentando candidatas sólidas, informando e inspirando. JoBs4u: para personas, por personas. Jobs4U est une société de recrutement informatique qui aide les entreprises informatiques dans toute l'UE, mais notre marché principal est les pays nordiques, la Suède, la Finlande, le Danemark, la Norvège et l'Islande. Nous recrutons tout, des développeurs full stack aux programmeurs et développeurs et concepteurs de jeux. Nous embauchons également du personnel à la fois ceux qui travaillent sur place mais aussi des équipes à distance ce qui est notre spécialité. Nous offrons également des services de conseil en RH, Management, marketing et organisation. Notre mission est de travailler pour une plus grande inclusion en travaillant à augmenter la proportion de femmes dans l'industrie informatique. Pour ce faire, nous présentons des candidatures féminines fortes, informatives et inspirantes. JoBs4u - Pour les gens, par les gens. Python. Java. Ruby/Ruby on Rails. HTML. JavaScript. C Language. C++ C# Objective-C. PHP. SQL. Swift. programmers, programmerare IT-recruitment Stockholm IT-recruitment København IT-recruitment Oslo IT-recruitment Helsinki IT-recruitment Helsingfors IT-recruitment Glasgow IT-recruitment London IT-recruitment Dublin IT-recruitment Slough IT-recruitment New York IT-recruitment sillicon valley IT-recruitment Manchester IT-recruitment Liverpool IT-recruitment East London IT-recruitment West London IT-recruitment Bergen IT-recruitment Vaasa IT-recruitment Turku IT-recruitment Åbo IT-recruitment Hollola IT-recruitment Lahti IT-recruitment Nokia IT-recruitment Mariehamn IT-recruitment Åland IT-recruitment Visby IT-recruitment Göteborg IT-recruitment Malmö IT-recruitment Umeå IT-recruitment Luleå IT-recruitment Linköpig IT-recrutment Västerås IT-recruitment Eskilstuna IT-recruitment Örebro IT-recruitment Köping IT-recruitment Södertälje IT-recruitment Huddinge IT-recruitment Uppsala IT-recruitment Odense IT-recruitment Danmark IT recruitment Sweden IT-recruitment Denmark IT-recruitment Norge IT-recruitment Norway IT-recruitment Finland IT-recruiter Stockholm IT-recruiter København IT-recruiter Oslo IT-recruiter Helsinki IT-recruiter Helsingfors IT-recruiter Glasgow IT-recruiter London IT-recruiter Dublin IT-recruiter Slough IT-recruiter New York IT-recruiter sillicon valley IT-recruiter Manchester IT-recruiter Liverpool IT-recruiter East London IT-recruiter West London IT-recruiter Bergen IT-recruiter Vaasa IT-recruiter Turku IT-recruiter Åbo IT-recruiter Hollola IT-recruiter Lahti IT-recruiter Nokia IT-recruiter Mariehamn IT-recruiter Åland IT-recruiter Visby IT-recruiter Göteborg IT-recruiter Malmö IT-recruiter Umeå IT-recruiter Luleå IT-recruiter Linköpig IT-recruter Västerås IT-recruiter Eskilstuna IT-recruiter Örebro IT-recruiter Köping IT-recruiter Södertälje IT-recruiter Huddinge IT-recruiter Uppsala IT-recruiter Odense IT-recruiter Danmark IT recruiter Sweden IT-recruiter Denmark IT-recruiter Norge IT-recruiter Norway IT-recruiter Finland IT-recruitment Tallinn IT-recruiter Tallinn IT-recruitment Tartu IT-recruiter Tartu IT-recruiter Riga IT-recruitment Riga IT-recruiter Vilnius IT-recruitment Vilnius IT-recruiter Warsaw IT-recruitment Warsaw IT-recruiter Bonn IT-recruiter Haag IT-recruitment Bonn IT-recruiter Amsterdam IT-recruitment Amsterdam IT-recruiter Galway IT-recruitment Galway IT-recruiter Cork IT-recruitment Cork IT-recruiter Aberdeen IT-recruitment Aberdeen IT-rekrytering Stockholm IT-rekrytering Göteborg IT-rekrytering Malmö IT-rekrytering Uppsala IT-rekrytering Karlstad IT-rekrytering Visby IT-rekrytering Luleå IT-rekrytering Umeå IT-rekrytering Sundsvall IT-rekrytering Västerås IT-rekrytering Eskilstuna IT-rekrytering Södertälje IT-rekrytering Småland IT-rekrytering Trelleborg IT-rekrytering Vimmerby IT-rekrytering Linköping IT-rekrytering Lidköping IT-rekrytering Åmål IT-rekrytering Vetlanda IT-rekrytering Kalmar IT-rekrytering Mariehamn IT-rekrytering Åbo IT-rekrytering Turku IT-rekrytering Åland IT-rekruttering Oslo IT-rekruttering Bergen IT-rekruttering Norge IT-rekruttering Drammen IT-rekruttering Trondheim IT-rekruttering Kristiansand IT-rekruttering Fredrikstad IT-rekruttering Drammen IT-rekruttering Sarpsborg IT-rekruttering Moss IT-rekruttering Ålesund IT-rekruttering Haugesund IT-rekruttering Halden IT-rekruttering Kongsberg IT-rekruttering Bodø IT-rekruttering Askøy IT-rekruttering Tønsberg IT-rekruttering Sandnes IT-rekruttering København IT-rekruttering Odense IT-rekruttering Fyn IT -rekruttering Aalborg IT-rekruttering Fredrikshavn IT-rekruttering Aarhus IT-rekruttering Roskilde IT-rekruttering Odense IT-Personalberatung Berlin IT-Personalberatung Bonn IT-Personalberatung Hannover IT-Personalberatung Hamburg IT-Personalberatung Deuchland IT-Personalberatung Frankfurt IT-Personalberatung Dortmund IT-Personalberatung Essen IT-Personalberatung Bremen IT-Personalberatung Leipzig IT-Personalberatung Nuremburg IT-Personalberatung Wuppertal IT-Personalberatung Karlsruhe IT-Personalberatung Mannheim IT-Personalberatung Ausburg IT-Personalberatung Wiesbaden IT-Personalberatung Gelsenkirschen IT-Personalberatung Braunschweig IT-Personalberatung Kiel IT-Personalberatung Krefeld IT-Personalberatung Rostock IT-Personalberatung Mainz IT-rekrytointi Helsinki IT-rekrytointi Turku IT-rekrytointi Lahti IT-rekrytointi Nokia IT-rekrytointi Vaasa IT-rekrytointi Suomi IT-rekrytointi Tampere IT-rekrytointi Oulu IT-rekrytointi Jyväskylä IT-rekrytointi Kotka IT-rekrytointi Pori IT-rekrytointi Rauma IT-rekrytointi Salo IT-rekrytointi Jakobstad IT-rekrytointi Kemi IT-rekrytointi Tornio IT-rekrytointi Kouvola IT-rekrytointi Hyvinkää IT-rekrytointi Imatra We recruit full-stack developers, programmers, game developers and other IT-professionals. We help recruit professionals in Python, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript/ NodeJS, TypeScript, Go, C++, Swift, c#, R, PHP, Dart, Kotlin, MATLAB, Perl, Ruby, Rust, Scala. IT-recruiter Dallas IT-recruitment Dallas IT-recruiter Chicago IT-recruitment Chicago IT-recruiter Washington IT-recruitment Washington IT-recruiter Calgary IT-recruitment Calgary IT-recruiter Tampa IT-recruitment Tampa IT-recruiter Oregon IT-recruitment Oregon IT-recruiter Miami IT-recruitment Miami IT-recruiter Jersey IT-recruiter Jersey IT-recruiter Cyprus IT-recruitment Cyprus IT-recruiter Staffordshere IT-recruitment Staffordshere IT-recruitment Madrid IT-recruiter Madrid IT-recruiter Nederlands IT-recruitment Nederlands IT-recruiter UK IT-recruitment UK IT-recruiter Canada IT-recruitment Canada it recruitment it recruitment agencies it staffing agencies it staffing companies it staffing agencies near me it headhunters it recruiting firms us it staffing it staffing services it recruitment consultant us it recruitment it recruitment companies it temp agencies it staffing firms it job consultancy near me best it recruitment agencies it staffing solutions it recruitment 2021 it 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agencies for it specialists clear it recruitment it job recruitment agencies top it staffing firms healthcare it recruiting firms it recruiting companies near me it recruitment websites it and non it recruitment it sales recruitment agencies it staffing and recruiting it executive search firms global it recruitment it job agencies near me it talent solutions ltd recruitment in it recruiting it professionals on it recruitment top it staffing companies recruitment ict it talent acquisition specialist freshers job in it company it freshers recruitment 2021 specialist it recruitment agencies elite it recruitment ltd it works recruitment ltd shape it recruitment it infrastructure recruitment best it recruiting firms it executive recruitment it job consultants near me staffing temp agencies near me temp agency staffing agency recruitment agencies staffing agencies near me employment agencies temp services near me temp services employment agencies near me recruitment agencies near me pro staff custom staffing solutions staffing resource staffing staffing companies near me work agency near me all staff staffing companies recruiting solutions direct hire medical staffing solutions staffing near me personnel staffing simplified staffing it staffing hiring agencies elevate staff temporary employment agencies near me us staffing agency it recruitment agencies temp work staffing services bullhorn staffing staff recruitment staffing industry analysts time staffing personnel services staffing temp to hire staffing hiring agencies near me personnel placements temporary agencies general staffing temporary agencies near me connect staffing staffing resources staffing solutions staffing firm temp services us it recruiter staffing warehouse staff staffing solutions integrated staffing employment services near me staff works temporary staffing event staff temporary employment agencies it staff city staffing advance staffing best recruitment agencies temp agencies near me hiring now temp staff staffing places near me temp staffing professional staffing work staffing center staffing recruitment firm temporary services near me elite staffing near me constant staffing it rekrytering it rekrytering stockholm rekryterare stockholm rekrytering rekrytering it stockholm headhunter helsinki headhunter suomi headhunting yritykset henkilöstöpalvelu henkilöstöpalveluyritykset henkilöstöpalveluyritys henkilöstövuokraus henkilöstövuokraus espoo henkilöstövuokraus helsinki suorahaku ICT-recruiter ICT-recruiting IT recruiting IT-recruitment agency ICT- recruitment IT-recruiting it alan rekrytointi it rekry it alan työpaikat it ala työpaikat it alan työt työpaikat it ala työpaikat it it työpaikka ict alan työpaikat it alan työ it avoimet työpaikat ict työpaikat it työ avoimet työpaikat it avoimet työpaikat it ala ict rekry it työpaikat helsinki rekrytointi it alan työpaikat turku kesätyöhaastattelu kysymykset it työpaikat tampere it alan työpaikat tampere it työpaikat turku työpaikat tukholma it tuki työpaikat slo yritys it turku IKT-rekruttering IKT rekruttering

Courses matching "Warehouse"

Show all 12

Business Intelligence

By IIL Europe Ltd

Business Intelligence Business Intelligence (BI) refers to a set of technology-based techniques, applications, and practices used to aggregate, analyze, and present business data. BI practices provide historical and current views of vast amounts of data and generate predictions for business operations. The purpose of Business Intelligence is the support of better business decision making. This course provides an overview of the technology and application of BI and how it can be used to improve corporate performance. What you will Learn You will learn how to: Specify a data warehouse schema Identify the data and visualization to be used for data mining and Business Intelligence Design a Business Intelligence user interface Getting Started Introductions Agenda Expectations Foundation Concepts The challenge of decision making What is Business Intelligence? The Business Intelligence value proposition Business Intelligence taxonomy Business Intelligence management issues Sources of Business Intelligence Data warehousing Data and information Information architecture Defining the data warehouse and its relationships Facts and dimensions Modeling, meta-modeling, and schemas Alternate architectures Building the data warehouse Extracting Transforming Loading Setting up the data and relationships Dimensions and the Fact Table Implementing many-to-many relationships in data warehouse Data marts Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) What is OLAP? OLAP and OLTP OLAP functionality Multi-dimensions Thinking in more than two dimensions What are the possibilities? OLAP architecture Cubism Tools OLAP variations - MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP BI using SOA Applications of Business Intelligence Applying BI through OLAP Enterprise Resource Planning and CRM Business Intelligence and financial information Business Intelligence User Interfaces and Presentations Data access Push-pull data access Types of decision support systems Designing the front end Presentation formats Dashboards Types of dashboards Common dashboard features Briefing books and scorecards Querying and Reporting Reporting emphasis Retrofitting Talking back Key Performance Indicators Report Definition and Visualization Typical reporting environment Forms of visualization Unconstrained views Data mining What is in the mine? Applications for data mining Data mining architecture Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CISP-DM) Data mining techniques Validation The Business Intelligence User Experience The business analyst role Business analysis and data analysis Five-step approach Cultural impact Identifying questions Gathering information Understand the goals The strategic Business Intelligence cycle Focus of Business Intelligence Design for the user Iterate the access Iterative solution development process Review and validation questions Basic approaches Building ad-hoc queries Building on-demand self-service reports Closed loop Business Intelligence Coming attractions - future of Business Intelligence Best practices in Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence
Delivered In-Person in LondonFlexible Dates

Business Intelligence: In-House Training

By IIL Europe Ltd

Business Intelligence: In-House Training Business Intelligence (BI) refers to a set of technology-based techniques, applications, and practices used to aggregate, analyze, and present business data. BI practices provide historical and current views of vast amounts of data and generate predictions for business operations. The purpose of Business Intelligence is the support of better business decision making. This course provides an overview of the technology and application of BI and how it can be used to improve corporate performance. What you will Learn You will learn how to: Specify a data warehouse schema Identify the data and visualization to be used for data mining and Business Intelligence Design a Business Intelligence user interface Getting Started Introductions Agenda Expectations Foundation Concepts The challenge of decision making What is Business Intelligence? The Business Intelligence value proposition Business Intelligence taxonomy Business Intelligence management issues Sources of Business Intelligence Data warehousing Data and information Information architecture Defining the data warehouse and its relationships Facts and dimensions Modeling, meta-modeling, and schemas Alternate architectures Building the data warehouse Extracting Transforming Loading Setting up the data and relationships Dimensions and the Fact Table Implementing many-to-many relationships in data warehouse Data marts Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) What is OLAP? OLAP and OLTP OLAP functionality Multi-dimensions Thinking in more than two dimensions What are the possibilities? OLAP architecture Cubism Tools OLAP variations - MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP BI using SOA Applications of Business Intelligence Applying BI through OLAP Enterprise Resource Planning and CRM Business Intelligence and financial information Business Intelligence User Interfaces and Presentations Data access Push-pull data access Types of decision support systems Designing the front end Presentation formats Dashboards Types of dashboards Common dashboard features Briefing books and scorecards Querying and Reporting Reporting emphasis Retrofitting Talking back Key Performance Indicators Report Definition and Visualization Typical reporting environment Forms of visualization Unconstrained views Data mining What is in the mine? Applications for data mining Data mining architecture Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CISP-DM) Data mining techniques Validation The Business Intelligence User Experience The business analyst role Business analysis and data analysis Five-step approach Cultural impact Identifying questions Gathering information Understand the goals The strategic Business Intelligence cycle Focus of Business Intelligence Design for the user Iterate the access Iterative solution development process Review and validation questions Basic approaches Building ad-hoc queries Building on-demand self-service reports Closed loop Business Intelligence Coming attractions - future of Business Intelligence Best practices in Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence: In-House Training
Delivered in London or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates

Racking Inspection (On-Site)


By You Can Do It .Training

This course enables you to comply with Health and Safety Legislation by training your staff to...

Racking Inspection (On-Site)
Delivered In-Person in Stoke on Trent or UK WideFlexible Dates

Warehouse Management


By Supply Chain Academy

This course provides exceptional training on the principles and processes required to successfully operate a warehouse. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN HOW TO: • Learn about the characteristics of a warehouse and its function • Understand the basic principles of effective layout design and product storage prioritization • Gain an understanding of modern practices in warehouse operations, such as Kanban and 5S • Understand the importance of packaging and data inputs to improve the performance of pick and pack operations • Understand the role of KPIs in warehouse and supply chain management COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE: Material storage as part of supply chain management Evaluation of outsourcing issues Challenges of codification and traceability Performance management Automated and mechanized systems Different storage methodologies Use of Warehouse management systems Optimum cube utilization and labour productivity Picking and packing management systems Goods receipt and dispatch

Warehouse Management
Delivered in Upminster or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry

Lubricants Blending and Quality Assurance (Accredited by the United Kingdom Lubricants Association (UKLA))

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT)  Accredited by the United Kingdom Lubricants Association (UKLA), this 4 half-day Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course will provide an in-depth understanding of the principles, economics and flexibility of lubricant blending plants and how to operate a lubricants blending plant efficiently and economically. The latest developments and trends in lubricant blending and the advantages and disadvantages of lubricant blending equipment, facilities and operations will be discussed. The importance of testing components and products for each blend, lubricant blend quality control and product quality management will also be explained. The VILT course will also clarify the importance of lubricant product filling, packaging and warehouse storage, strategies for optimising existing lubricant blending plant facilities and how to avoid or minimise problems with lubricant blending and product quality. The VILT course is recognised under the UKLA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme for Registered Lubricant Professional. *There will be an examination for this VILT.   Training Objectives This VILT course will enable you to: Learn about Mineral Oil Base Oils; API Groups I, II and III: Properties and Characteristics Acquire the knowledge about Synthetic Base Oils; API Groups IV and V: Properties and Characteristics Learn about Lubricant Additives: Properties and Characteristics Know the Lubricant Formulation and Ease of Blending Explore the Blending Plant Design: Grassroots Plants and Upgrading Existing Plants Learn about Blending Plant Equipment and Facilities and Their Operation Understand the Lubricant Blending Issues: Avoiding Problems Test and Analyse Base Oils and Additives Test and Analyse Blended Lubricants Explore the importance of Product Quality Control Understand the process of Lubricant Packaging and Filling Understand the process of Lubricant Storage Learn about Product Quality Management Target Audience This VILT course will be useful and applicable for: Middle and Senior managers to understand how and why to design and operate an efficient and profitable lubricant blending plant. Blending plant operators and specialists to improve and optimise current blending plant operations. Manufacturers of lubricants will understand how and why high quality components and effective testing during the entire blending process are important to final lubricant product quality and performance. Lubricant formulators will understand the importance of close communication and co-operation with blending plant managers and operators to minimise blending costs and to thereby maximise product profitability. Course Level Intermediate Training Methods The VILT course will be delivered online in 4 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 2 breaks of 10 minutes per day. Course Duration: 4 half-day sessions, 4 hours per session (16 hours in total). Trainer Your expert course leader (CChem, MRC) has worked as Sales, Technical Marketing Manager and Company Director with over 50 years of broad experience in the lubricants, fuels, petroleum additives, with four leading companies Chevron, Ethyl Petroleum Additives Ltd, Texaco Limited and Kuwait Petroleum (GB) Ltd. His major recent responsibilities have been concerned with leading the Oil Industry Association United Kingdom Lubricants Association, and acting in an advisory capacity as Technical Director to the Association. He has acquired a wide experience in technical, marketing and sales within the oil industry. The related experience gained with the oil additives industry has provided him with special additional insights. He has also led the Certificate of Lubricant Competence course for the United Kingdom Lubricants Association (UKLA) for 11 years. He is a Chartered Chemist and a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations

Lubricants Blending and Quality Assurance (Accredited by the United Kingdom Lubricants Association (UKLA))
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£900 to £1,699


By studentworks

full-time General English in the UK for 4 weeks MINIMUM, and covers the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. It also includes 4x weeks MAXIMUM of work for a charity. study and volunteer in the UK

Delivered In-PersonFlexible Dates

Fundamentals of Freight Forwarding


By Supply Chain Academy

This course looks at the key processes in supply chains and how they interact; the most common supply chain terms and how they are utilised to describe supply chain activities. It will cover the definitions of transport modes and how to select the most appropriate one; the role of logistics partners in the extended supply chain and the definition and use of Incoterms. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN HOW TO: Explain the term “Supply Chain” Define main activities in Transport & Freight Management Describe the key principles of Warehousing Interpret INCOTERMS COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE: Freight terminology & global trade terminology Warehouse, logistics and transport operations Transport modes Parties involved in international shipments INCOTERMS Freight calculations

Fundamentals of Freight Forwarding
Delivered in Upminster or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry

Offshore & Marine Supply Base Operations Management - For Servicing International E & P Fleet and Wind Farm Operations

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this Training Course The Oil & Gas E&P industry is evolving from deep sea exploration to renewable sources of energy through windfarms and solar fields offshore. In tandem, OSBs will need to evolve for sustainability and revival from stagnant traditional Supply Base Models. The changing role of OSBs is toward support services for decommissioning projects and LNG Floating Terminals. In addition, the new geographical regions of East and South Africa are coming up at a faster pace. All such operations are dependent upon a complex network of transport and supply in order to deliver the staff, materials, machinery, and crew provisions where and when needed. This 3 full-day course is curated to enhance the skills and competencies of passionate professionals to plan and organise resources, minimise turnaround time for the vessels engaged in support of Offshore E & P operations. Various hands-on exercises can equip the participants to implement viable and feasible approaches for safe and efficient management of OSBs in compliance with continuously evolving international best practices and Oil & Gas standards. This course is specially developed for investors, business owners, senior executives and professionals from the offshore & marine logistics industry, with the following objectives: To provide a firm understanding about the role of an Offshore & Marine Supply Base in support of Oil & Gas E & P fleet operations, in contrast with traditional merchant shipping logistics. To provide an in-depth knowledge about the range and diversity of services being offered by Offshore & Marine Supply Bases ('OSB') in the target regions. To equip with the knowledge and information required for taking investment decisions when venturing in Offshore E & P Sector. To introduce contemporary techniques and tools required to identify target customer segments while developing a new OSB or expanding operations of an existing OSB. To elaborate comparative management methodologies for OSB facilities and services management, based on deployment of ICT solutions so as to deliver value added services to the customers. To learn to identify methodologies for sales and distribution of services to the customers and non-paying users of the OSB. To identify relevant state legislation for licensing & governing an OSB, and enforce through contractual obligations, rights and responsibilities of the parties as clients of an OSB. To develop and implement Business Processes with built-in Performance Evaluation Metrics for achieving competitive advantage over the peers in the OSB segment. To develop and implement integrated OSB's Risk Management framework. This course can also be offered through Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Training Objectives Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to: Implement and comply with the QHSSSE regulations and national or Port Controls regime for safe handling of import & export cargo and movements of the vessels. Establish role and responsibilities of the Offshore Supply Base management team. Plan and organise resources so as to minimise turnaround time for the vessels engaged in support of Offshore E & P and Windfarms operations. Plan and organise OSB cranes, vehicles, MHE, spaces and relevant facilities for storage, movement, and custody transfer of various types of solid and liquid cargo, tools, shackles, bulk materials in open yards and ships' gears. Be aware of potential emergency situations and how to respond and coordinate with relevant internal and external agencies. Manage safety of personnel of sub-contractors, stevedores', tenants, and ship crew, when engaged in OSB operations. Differentiate between various ships, technical and functional characteristics, safety requirements and potential hazards of each operation. Build competency in developing and maintaining documentary evidence for traceability for all works executed during the specific period or operation. Develop techniques for performance monitoring and continuous improvements based on lessons learned from each operation at the Base as well as from reports about peers in the similar business. Target Audience This course is intended for: Operations Management personnel from existing OSBs, Ports, Logistics & Warehouses, Offshore Fields, E & P Infrastructure Support services providers. Professionals who are interested in OSB segment of the Offshore & Marine Oil & Gas Industry. Participants who have no prior knowledge about OSB Operations and are new to the Offshore Logistics And highly recommended for: Managers, Engineers, and Professionals assigned to lead new initiatives in Logistics Management of Offshore & Marine Segments of Oil & Gas Industry. Course Level Intermediate Trainer Principal Management Consultant Chartered Valuer and Appraiser (CVA) FACICA | FAMTAC | FAIADR | M.S.I.D | Member, AIEN LL.M. (IP Law), M. Sc. (Maritime Studies), M. Tech (Knowledge Engineering), MBA, First Class CoC (MCA, UK), B. E. (Elect) Your expert course leader during the last 47 year period, has worked and consulted in the industry verticals encompassing: Technology, Oil & Gas Exploration & Production, Petrochemical Process Plants and Power Plant Construction Projects, Logistics & Warehousing, Marine, Offshore, Oil & Gas Pipelines, Infrastructure Development Projects (Ports, Offshore Supply Bases, Oil & Gas Terminals and Airports etc), EPCIC Contracts, and Shipyards, in South East Asia, Africa, Middle East, Americas and Europe. He serves as the Principal Management Consultant with a management consultancy in Hong Kong and Singapore, specialising in the fields of corporate management consultancy, international contracts reviews and alternative dispute resolutions services. He undertakes special assignments for conducting audits and valuation of intangible properties involving proprietary processes for licensed production, and licensing of intellectual property rights (IP Rights) in patents, trademarks, and industrial designs. He is frequently engaged for assignments like due diligence, acquisitions, mergers, resolving various operational issues, technology transfer and agency services contracts reviews, cost controls, and enhancement of Supply Chain Management. He has been conferred the credentials of Chartered Valuer & Appraiser (CVA) by SAC and IVAS, in accordance with the international valuation standards setting body IVSC. His consulting experience includes Charterparty Management, Business Process Re-engineering, Diversifications, Corporate Development, Marketing, Complex Project Management, Feasibility Studies, Dispute Resolutions and Market Research. He has successfully assisted Marine and offshore E & P clients in managing contractual disputes arising from various international contracts for upgrading & conversion projects. He continues to be actively engaged in claims reviews, mediation, arbitration, litigation, and expert witness related assignments, arising from international contracts and Charterparty Agreements. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, MBA in General Management, Master of Technology in Knowledge Engineering, Master of Science in Maritime Studies, and LL.M. (IP Law). He also holds professional qualifications in Business Valuations and Appraisers for CVA, arbitration, law, and marine engineering, including the Chief Engineer's First-Class Certificate of Competency (MCA, UK). He is further qualified and accredited as Certified International Arbitrator, Chartered Arbitrator, Sports arbitrator under CAS Rules, WIPO Neutral, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Bargaining Code Arbitrator, Accredited Adjudicator and Accredited Mediator (Malaysia). He is admitted to the international panels of arbitrators and neutrals with WIPO, Geneva; ACICA, AMTAC and ACMA, Australia; BVIAC (British Virgin Islands); JIAC (Jamaica); HKIAC Hong Kong; AIAC, Malaysia; AIADR, Malaysia; KCAB, Seoul, South Korea; ICA, Delhi, India; ICC (Singapore); SISV, Singapore; SCMA, Singapore; SCCA, Saudi Arabia; VIAC Vienna, Austria; Thailand Arbitration Centre (THAC), and Mediator with AIAC Malaysia, CMC, and SIMI Singapore. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Offshore & Marine Supply Base Operations Management - For Servicing International E & P Fleet and Wind Farm Operations
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£2,407 to £2,799

Fundamentals of Supply Chain


By Supply Chain Academy

This foundational course will help all managers to better understand what a supply chain is and how their roles impact and interact with, their end-to-end supply chain process. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN HOW TO: • Understand the role of the supply chain within the wider business context • Become aware of the fundamental trade-offs in the supply chain (e.g. supply chain cost vs service level, efficiency vs flexibility etc.) • Understand the importance of supply chain planning and be able to identify its key components • Develop awareness of the key challenges in modern inventory management and distribution; become familiar with tested practices that allow responding to these challenges • Understand the meaning of essential supply chain terminology • Understand how supply chain performance affects company financial results COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE: • What is supply chain management? Why is it important? • The importance of cost versus service • Purchasing and procurement • Manufacturing processes • Demand management • Warehouse and inventory management • Logistics and transport • Risk management

Fundamentals of Supply Chain
Delivered in Upminster or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry

NPORS Lift Supervisor Training


By Vally Plant Training

NPORS Lift Supervisor Training The aim of the NPORS Lift Supervisor Training is to Provide candidates with underpinning knowledge to allow them to understand the role and responsibility of the Lift Supervisor. As a result of the Lift Supervisor Course, and following successful completion of the NPORS Crane Supervisor training candidates will be able to understand and follow safe systems of work for lifting operations. This Lift supervisor course is for 3 days and can be completed at your site or ours. It is important that all delegates have a good understanding of spoken and written English for NPORS Crane Supervisor Training. NPORS Lift Supervisor Experienced Test Book with Confidence at Vally Plant Training At Vally Plant Training, we guarantee unbeatable value with our Lift Supervisor Experienced Test Price Match Promise. When you choose us, you can book with confidence, knowing that we will not be beaten on price. If you find a lower price for the same NPORS Lift Supervisor Experienced Worker Test, we’ll match it—ensuring you receive top-quality training at the best possible rate. Click for our terms and conditions Your skills, our commitment—always at the best price. NPORS Lift Supervisor Experienced Worker Test is for operators who have received some form of Lift Supervisor Course in the past or alternatively has been working with Lifting equipment, like cranes, Excavators or Telehandlers for a number of years. If you are unsure if you qualify to go down the Lift Supervisor experienced test route please contact our team to discuss this in more detail. Discounts are available for multiple Lift Supervisor Course bookings There are two parts to the lift supervisor test, a theory section comprised of 25 questions and a practical session, however Lift Supervisor training revision notes will be sent once the test has been booked. It is important that all delegates have a good understanding of spoken and written English for NPORS Crane Supervisor Training Crane Supervisor Course Summary: Leading Safe and Efficient Lifting Operations Introduction Ever wonder who keeps construction sites and warehouses running smoothly and safely? That’s where lift supervisors come in. They’re the unsung heroes ensuring everything moves like clockwork. And when it comes to proving you’re the best in the biz, NPORS certification is your golden ticket. It’s not just a piece of paper; it’s your passport to climbing the career ladder. Choose our Lifting Supervisor Course Today. Why Choose Our NPORS Lift Supervisor Training? What makes our training stand out with our Lifting Supervisor Course? Imagine learning from folks who’ve been in the trenches, in training grounds that feel like the real deal, and schedules that bend to your life, not the other way around. We’re not about boring lectures; we’re about getting your hands dirty. Who Should Attend Lift Supervisor Training? Are you the go-to person when things need to get done? Whether you’re starting out or looking to step up, if you’re in the world of construction or logistics, this Lifting Supervisor Course is for you. It’s tailored for those who like to keep things moving, safely and efficiently. Course Objectives: 1. Understanding Regulatory Requirements: Familiarise participants with relevant regulations and industry standards governing crane operations, LOLER. Ensure compliance with legal requirements and best practices for safe lifting operations, BS7121. 2. Roles and Responsibilities of a Crane Lift Supervisor: Define the roles and responsibilities of a Lift supervisor within the context of lifting operations. Highlight the importance of effective communication, leadership, and decision-making skills. 3. Crane Safety Procedures: Provide an overview of crane safety procedures, including pre-operational checks, equipment inspection, and maintenance. Emphasize the importance of hazard identification, risk assessment, and mitigation strategies. 4. Lifting Plan Development: Guide participants in the understanding of the lifting plans tailored to specific lifting tasks and site conditions created by the Appointed Person(AP). Address factors such as load weight, size, shape, centre of gravity, and environmental considerations. 5. Site Safety and Hazard Awareness: Enhance participants’ awareness of potential hazards in the lifting environment, such as overhead power lines, unstable ground, and confined spaces. Implement effective measures to mitigate risks and ensure a safe working environment. 6. Communication and Coordination: Stress the importance of clear and effective communication between crane operators, riggers, signallers, and other personnel involved in lifting operations. Provide guidance on establishing communication protocols, using standardized hand signals, and conducting pre-lift briefings. 7. Emergency Response and Crisis Management: Equip participants with the skills and knowledge to respond effectively to emergencies and crisis situations during lifting operations. Implement emergency procedures, evacuation protocols, and contingency plans to mitigate risks and ensure personnel safety. 8. Practical Exercises and Case Studies: Provide hands-on lift supervisor training opportunities for participants to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. Analyse real-life case studies to identify lessons learned, best practices, and areas for improvement in crane supervision. Learning Outcomes By the end, you’ll be a pro at keeping sites safe, managing lifts, and leading teams. You’ll walk away not just with knowledge, but with practical skills that meet and beat industry standards. It’s about making you the go to lift supervisor everyone wants on their team. Course Logistics Ready to jump in? We’ve got training spots across the UK, with dates and times that fit your life. Signing up is a breeze, and we’ll guide you through any paperwork or prerequisites. It’s all about making it easy for you to get started. Conclusion: A crane supervisor course aims to empower participants with the expertise and confidence to lead safe and efficient lifting operations on construction sites. By focusing on regulatory compliance, safety procedures, lifting plan development, hazard awareness, communication, and practical training, the course prepares crane supervisors to fulfil their roles effectively and ensure the well-being of all personnel involved in lifting activities. Investing in crane supervisor training is essential for promoting a culture of safety, minimising risks, and achieving excellence in crane operations management. Crane Supervisor Training Available 7 days a week to suit your business requirements. VPT have a team of friendly and approachable instructors, who importantly have a wealth of knowledge of lifting supervision and the construction industry We have our own training centre conveniently located close to the M5 junction 9, In Tewkesbury. With its own purpose-built practical training area to simulate an actual working environment for the supervisor course. Our Lift Supervisor training and test packages are priced to be competitive. Discounts are available for multiple bookings We can send a fully qualified NPORS supervisor Tester to your site nationwide, for instance to reduce the amount of time away from work More courses: Polish your abilities with our dedicated Lift Supervision Training, Slinger Signaller Training, Telehandler Training, Cat & Genny Training, Plant Loader Securer, Ride-On Road Roller, Abrasive Wheel Training, Lorry Loader Training and Scissor Lift Training sessions. Learn the safe and effective operation of these vital machines, crucial for construction and maintenance tasks. Elevate your skills and career prospects by enrolling in our comprehensive courses today. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is Lift Supervisor Training? Lift Supervisor Training is a specialised course designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required to supervise lifting operations safely and efficiently. This training typically covers topics such as planning lifts, managing lifting equipment, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. 2. Who should attend The Lifting Supervisor Course? This training is ideal for individuals responsible for overseeing lifting operations on construction sites, in warehouses, or any environment where lifting equipment like cranes are used. It’s particularly beneficial for site supervisors, managers, and anyone involved in the planning and execution of lifting operations to attend the NPORS Lift supervisor Course. 3. What certifications are available through the Lift Supervisor Training? Participants can obtain several Lift Supervisor certifications, including: NPORS Traditional card: Valid for 5 years, widely accepted in various sectors. NPORS card with CSCS logo: Recognised by major building contractors, with an initial RED trained operator card that can be upgraded to a BLUE competent operator card after completing relevant Crane Supervisor NVQ. 4. Is a health and safety test required for the NPORS Crane Supervisor Red operator card with the CSCS logo? Yes, to qualify for this card, you must have completed the CSCS operatives health and safety test within the last two years. 5 . How long is the certification valid, and what is the renewal process? The NPORS Traditional card is valid for 5 years. The NPORS card with the CSCS logo’s RED trained operator card is valid for 2 years, after which it can be upgraded to a BLUE competent Crane Supervisor operator card upon completion of relevant NVQs. The renewal process typically involves undergoing a refresher course or assessment to ensure continued competence. For those looking for a “NPORS Crane Supervisor Training near me,” our widespread operations make it convenient for you to access Vally Plant Trainings top-quality training no matter where you are in the UK

NPORS Lift Supervisor Training
Delivered In-Person in Tewkesbury or UK WideFlexible Dates