broadstones school
Broadstones School “To Educate, Motivate and Inspire Young People to Achieve in
a Nurturing Environment” Broadstones is a DFE registered independent special
school. It caters for learners aged 13-16 that find traditional school settings
problematic and find learning through vocational activities beneficial. At
Broadstones, we specialise in helping those that may have fallen behind, or out
of education due to social, emotional or mental health issues, to catch up and
identify a clear path to post-16 education. Our most recent Ofsted report states
Broadstones is a GOOD school, where learners “make good progress” and are “happy
and feel safe in the school.” “Staff are quick to form excellent relationships
and re-build pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem” and “teachers design work
to meet the personal needs and interests of each pupil. As a result, pupils
engage in learning and make good gains in their progress and development.” The
school’s “approach is re-building pupils’ broken understanding of how to be
successful in society. Staff are skilful in nurturing and supporting pupils’
social and emotional needs.“ For the full report open the link in the Ofsted
section at the top of this page. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum with
both academic and vocational courses. Please see the curriculum section of the
website for details. Broadstones is a registered qualification and exam centre
with Pearson Qualifications, Gateway Qualifications and ASDAN. We offer a
selection of vocational alternative education provisions in the following areas:
Construction Skills