british home tutors
WHO WE ARE British Home Tutors (BHT) is a collegiate group of around 60 school
teachers who work or have worked at independent schools in the London area such
as Westminster, St Paul’s, Latymer, Eton, Harrow, UCS, Highgate, Bute House and
other top performing English private schools. We are a small organisation who
have been operating in central London for almost 20 years. Our intention is to
remain small so that we can retain strong quality control over what we provide.
This means that at certain times of the academic year, demand exceeds supply for
our services. Our unique selling point is the fact that we are classroom
teachers who provide home tuition in our spare time e.g. evenings after school,
at weekends and during the holidays. BHT is the only tutor organisation in the
UK with this classroom teacher emphasis. Pupils and teachers generally get in
touch with us by word-of-mouth. Families who use us refer us to their friends.
Teachers at these top schools also refer pupils to us. We do not advertise
although we are highly recommended by the Good Schools Guide. This is an
independent recommendation and no payment is involved. We are professional,
collegiate and friendly but our ethos is not one of a highly commercial
organisation as such. We can help your child with their study skills, exam
technique and revision skills. Our tutors help to reinforce and consolidate what
your child is learning at school, giving them the confidence to thrive. We are
teachers first and foremost and are interested in receiving applications from
top teachers with classroom experience only.