tots in sport
Sevenoaks Kent
Jan Morgan is the founder of Tots in Sport. Jan started her career by working in
London for several years. She soon learned that an office job wasn’t going to
spark inspiration and fulfil her ultimate ambition. Her childhood years were
consumed by playing a variety of sports including; hockey, tennis to county
standard, and athletics at high competition level. Her vision turned to her
positive sports experiences and the ways in which she could help children to
achieve their dreams. She qualified in a variety of Sport Coaching
Qualifications to underpin her intrinsic knowledge and passion for Sport. With
this in mind, she left her office job and launched a Sports Coaching business.
Initially the company focused on teaching multi sports to children of primary
age and above. The lessons also engaged children in sports such as football,
tennis, hockey and cricket. Her work with older children inspired a realisation
that if these activities were carefully regressed, it could enhance and
physically develop children of pre-school age. This marked the birth of Tots in