london technology academy
Our Mission To enable a digital economy supported by a more reliable, efficient,
and environmentally sustainable digital infrastructure. Our Story In 2003, as
applications started increasing in complexity and size, the team initially
addressed challenges in Software Architecture reliability and efficiency,
setting some of the earlier groundwork around Architecture design languages and
software product lines. The focus then quickly shifted to a more holistic
approach from the ground up addressing the reliability, efficiency, and
environmental sustainability of digital services, from data centres to IT
Operations and application design. This led to the establishment of the London
Technology Academy (LTA) in 2013. The team laid out some key scientific work
around cost-effective deployments in the Cloud and environmental sustainability
challenges in software and physical infrastructure. Today, LTA is home to some
of the key international authorities in digital infrastructure. The LTA team
supported the creation of some of the best practices and global standards and
policies on digital infrastructure (e.g EN50600, EU Code of Conduct, EMAS,
EcoDesign and EU Green Public Procurement to name a few). The team supports
governments and corporates globally to transform their digital footprint to a
more reliable, efficient and environmentally sustainable state. The LTA team led
European initiatives like EURECA and PEDCA that saw broad transformation and
consolidation of government infrastructure and the training of well over a
thousand ICT professionals.