Open Lens Media is a Youth Training and Development organisation providing courses, training programmes, projects and workshops in Media and Communication to young people stemming from underrepresented and hard to reach backgrounds. We specialise in working closely with children and young people between the ages of 11-15 and 16-29 to deliver engaging and progressive programmes that enable them to successfully transition into further education, employment and training or develop their entrepreneurial skills. We achieve this through delivering tailored engagement and pre-employability programmes that use Media as an engagement tool to support young people in developing their confidence, social & communication skills.
Senior Mental Health Lead training is a two-day fully funded course that provides a designated senior leader at your setting with the tools to develop a positive whole school or college approach to wellbeing and mental health. It is based on some of the principles and underpinning evidence contained in Building Belonging by Cathal Show More Leadership Training and Support We provide a rich programme of leadership programmes, training and support that are predicated on ambitious ethical leadership. School Finance We provide schools we financial support that will ensure more of the schools funding goes to where it is needed...the students!
FitFastFitness – Expert Fitness Coaches
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Copywriting, Copywriting Training, Copywriting Consultancy, Staffs, UK. Dream Copywriting: Marketing copy that captures attention, engages and converts. Copywriting training. Brand and marketing consultancy.
Homepage | Revive Training | Help Save Lives First Aid Training | Training Provider | Health & Safety | Paediatric First AID EYFS level 3 Qualification | Online Learning | Emergency First Aid Level 3
Home - Nant Nant is a specialist provider of innovative, holistic, systems that guarantee your water supply is as safe and secure as possible.
Safety Consultancy : If you are in need of Health and Safety support, then contact FM Safety Consultancy Services Ltd. We are based in Birmingham and provide a full range of Health and Safety Support including training services, both classroom and online.
Experienced and qualified Deaf tutor with over 30 years experience with teaching British Sign Language and Deaf Awareness. Earshot Communication Services is an approved centre to provide Signature accredited courses in British Sign Language.