Welcome to Teach School Sport At teachschoolsport we understand the reality of
school life. Our teachers and coaches have been involved in physical education
(PE) and sport in schools for many years. Schools genuinely want to offer
children the best chance to develop their physical literacy at the same time as
participating in and enjoying various sporting opportunities. We work with
schools to develop a bespoke overall school PE plan. We can offer our services
to audit, plan, deliver and mentor PE and sport in your school as you see fit.
At the same time we are aware of the rightful part that schools can and do play
in promoting healthy lifestyles and we are working with various governmental
agencies to assist schools develop their policies in this area. Additionally we
are renowned for our after school club programme that we have delivered in
schools for many years. Parents want their children to play and enjoy sport and
our School Sport section provides you with the information relevant to your