manor leas junior academy
Welcome to Manor Leas Junior Academy! Our school is an exciting place to learn
and grow as an individual. The atmosphere within the school is calm and our high
expectations lead to all children having strong learning attitudes. Our children
excel in all areas of the curriculum. Through the ‘mastery’ approach to teaching
mathematics, new and innovative approaches to reading and writing, providing
up-to-date technology and IT facilities and an emphasis on scientific enquiry,
our pupils are keen to achieve highly and do their best. We constantly review
the curriculum to ensure our pupils are engaged and motivated to succeed by
teaching topics that are relevant to real-life, like The Fiver Challenge
enterprise topic. In addition to our academic achievements, we are sporting
champions and celebrate drama throughout the school. Our previous whole school
performances have been: The Tempest, Oliver! and Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolour Dreamcoat. Throughout the school many pupils learn a variety of
musical instruments and our children’s singing needs to be heard to be believed.
We also offer amazing outdoor play experiences for our children, residential
trips for children in Year 4 and Year 6 and a variety of clubs.