Wilder Woods WilderWoods is an education initiative involving Forest School and various related Outdoor Learning programs, based in woods around central Somerset.
Hickleys Training Academy | Auto Locksmith Training Nationally accredited training academy, specialising in Auto Locksmith training and vehicle diagnostics.
The Boat Building Academy provides full-time, highly practical skills training with an emphasis on ‘hands-on’ learning. The school was founded in 1997 by Commander Tim Gedge. The Academy is on the provider’s list for a member of the British Marine Federation and an approved City & Guilds centre. Administrators Janine and Adam are usually the first points of contact for people hoping to join the Academy.
Monkton Wyld Court | Courses in Low Impact, natural building, eco, Sustainable Living Top class courses in low impact, natural building, eco and sustainable living. From Straw Bale House and Yurt building to foraging and Scything.
We pride ourselves in making our pupils smile. We believe in treating our students as individuals, learning to drive is a skill that will last you a lifetime, so learning to drive and enjoying it at the same time should go hand in hand.
Support Services for Education .
Your First Ten Guitar Lessons This is a beginner guitar course for secondary school aged children and adults. Written by an industry professional with years of teaching experience it uses great music to teach solid and instantly useable techniques.
Hudson Training is a specialist training and assessment centre focusing on the care industry. As such, we look to deliver the highest quality of training v