Screen and Film School | Filmmaking Degree | Film Business Degree We know you’re passionate about film, and we are too. Screen and Film School trains the next generation of filmmakers wishing to enter the film industry.
Swim UK - Training Courses in The Leisure Industry Swim UK offer training programs in Aquatics, Fitness, Lifesaving and First Aid. Learn more here.
Yin Yoga Teacher Training School Worldwide - YACEP Yin Yoga teacher training courses (YACEP) that develop your confidence & knowledge, leaving you empowered as a Yin Yoga teacher - worldwide
High Schools International | High Schools International HSI is a global leader in education consultation, school placements & student welfare. We have a range of international student exchange programs.
Home - Tungsten Training Centre Electrical Courses, Plumbing & Gas Courses, Site Safety Courses, including Site Manager, Site Supervisor and First Aid, based in Sussex.
Rewards Hair Academy - Hairdressing and Barbering Apprenticeships We are a training provider in Brighton and Hove, the South East delivering Apprenticeships in Hairdressing and Barbering. We also deliver private courses in Hairdressing, Barbering and the IQA & TAQA Awards.
PJL Healthcare — Children's Homes in Mayfield & Framfield, East Sussex Offering children and young people a family home filled with love, laughter and learning. Memories are made and challenges overcome.