Aikido is a Japanese martial art created in the first half of the twentieth century by Morihei Ueshiba. It combines elements of classical jujutsu with concepts of movement and body management derived from sword fighting, and was in part framed by Ueshiba’s own spiritual beliefs
We offer classes, workshops and private lessons in Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan) and Chi Kung (Qigong).
Home - Activate You Performance Coaching, Alexander Technique in Bristol and Cardiff with a focus on performers of all ages and abilities, and curing stage fright in everyone.
Health and safety consultancy | Bristol | Safety Horizon Over 30 years' experience. Certified training providers. Safety Horizon, Bristol is a leading health and safety consultancy and training provider. Call now
The TEXTILES SKILLS CENTRE brings together industry and education experts to support, develop and deliver resources, courses and events for textiles teachers, trainers and the open community.
Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting & Domain Names from Heart Internet Reseller Hosting, Web Hosting, Dedicated Servers & Domain Names | Heart Internet
Energy Consultants: Industrial and Commercial Efficiency from JRP JRP - energy efficiency consultants specialise in helping commercial and industrial businesses reduce energy consumption and costs through the development of intelligent strategies and practical solutions.
North Bristol Language Centre North Bristol Language Centre offers a variety of classes for both adult and children of all ages and abilities.