Dance Xtreme, Dance and Drama School in Canterbury Offering Ballet classes, Tap, Modern dance, Pre-school dance and Musical Theatre Lessons for Children around Canterbury
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Childcare | Hythe | Hythe Bay Children's Centre Nursery A nurturing and safe place for all children to grow, learn, laugh and become independent learners. Hythe Bay Children's Centre Nursery has spaces for children aged 3 months to 5 years. It's open 8-6 all year round or 9-3 term time. Up to 30 hours a week Free Early Education for those eligible. Ofsted rated Outstanding.
Jo Can Do – Business Coach and Trainer
Tutoring | M.Lucas Private Tuition Maths & English Looking for preparation for the 11 plus exam, mathematics tuition or modern language courses in the Folkestone area? Contact M Lucas Private Tuition today.