musselburgh rugby football club
Members of the 200 Club must be fully paid up members of MRFC or an active
Standing Order in place to claim their prize. Prizes shown on the promotional
flier are based on 100 participants, and may be adjusted to reflect the actual
number of members signed up. Prizes shown above reflect actual numbers and
prizes. Numbers are drawn from a hat in the Club on the last day of each month.
Winners will displayed on the website and social media contacted direct by
email. The draw continues to be drawn out of the playing season, each month
throughout the year. Numbers are eliminated once drawn in the monthly draw,
however included in the next month’s draw and thereafter. The 1st Standing order
instalment for monthly or quarterly payments must be received 21 days before the
next draw to be included in the draw. Any non-payment of instalments after this
will result in the number being removed from the draw. Standing order to sort
code 801768 account 00224261 using reference ‘>YOURSURNAME<.200CLUB’. Prizes can
be collected as cash from the Clubhouse, paid by bank transfer or used as a tab
for the same value behind the bar.