indepen dance outreach classes: adult evening social class
Indepen-dance was founded in 1996 by Karen Anderson on the principle of access,
participation and inclusion. Karen was Dancer in Residence for Strathclyde
Regional Council (as a job share with Jamie Armstrong) and worked on a project
named “Disintegration”, bringing together young people with and without
disabilities to dance. The outcome was an overwhelming success and prompted
Karen to set up a weekly dance class specifically aimed at people with learning
disabilities at the then Strathclyde Arts Centre. Regular attendance from people
across Glasgow established a core group of 12 performers. Over the years Karen
brought many established professional musicians, dancers, artists and
choreographers to Glasgow work with the company. This enabled the sharing of
information, experience and good practice from the field of dance and disability
with Indepen-dance dancers and teachers. In 2002 an Indepen-dance Board of
Directors was formed with the mission: To create opportunities for disabled and
non-disabled people and carers to enjoy, express and fulfil their potential
through dance.