D Fitness - Home
Home - Shape Your Future ‘Shape Your Future' is a family run business in Stone, Staffordshire promoting Physical, Mental and Social Health and Wellbeing.
Physiotherapist In Leicester | Restore Health & Fitness Restore Health & Fitness, Physiotherapists in Leicester. We specialise in accurate physical assessment, diagnosis, injury prevention and exercise rehabilitation
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Connor Sports Performance - Home Welcome to Connors Sports Performance. Coaching, therapy and support for runners and sports people from beginner to elite.
We Are Still Open For Business As Usual We are currently having our website updated and can’t wait to share the finished design with you, plus to show off our new brand! Our Courses Get in touch for more information Level 2 YMCA Awards Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing YMCA Awards Level 2 Certificate in Group Exercise Instructing (Circuit Training) YMCA Awards Level 2 Certificate in Group Exercise Instructing (Exercise to Music – Freestyle) YMCA Awards Level 2 Certificate in Group Exercise Instructing (Indoor Cycling) YMCA Awards Level 2 Award in Instructing Kettlebell Training Sessions YMCA Awards Level 2 Award in Instructing Suspended Movement Training Sessio