mylène chiron
My interest in "things of the mind" started in my early 20s as I was determined
to explore more about myself and started exploring the fascinating world of
alternative therapies. Kinesiology allowed me to dive into my own inner world
and understand myself in ways which I wasn't expecting. This was deep, profound
at times, and I promised myself that I would one day return to this modality and
possibly study it in a professional way. It wasn't until my 40s that I
remembered this and decided that studying this modality was the best way I could
make use of the wisdom and knowledge I had accumulated through my own journey of
self-actualisation. I completed a Systematic Kinesiology foundation course in
Bristol in 2009, followed by a Practitioner training course in Creative
Kinesiology in Exeter in 2012. I then embraced a BodyTalk therapy practitioner
training, as well as the Mindscape workshop training in 2015. I have been
combining both kinesiology and BodyTalk since 2012 in clinic setting. I am a
Kinesiology Federation member, and a fully insured therapist. Being a French
national, my services are bilingual.