Sil Lim Tao / First Form - East Lancashire Wing Chun Kung Fu We teach traditional Wing Chun and practical,easy to learn self-defence in East Lancashire, Colne, Nelson, Burnley, and surrounding area.
Sutemi Shukokai Karate Ryu We are a Shukokai Karate club based right in the centre of Bury, Greater Manchester
Pony Club | Ileyfoals | Preston ileyfoals is a childrens riding club, where children can learn how to ride from home and on the yard with other members. The club makes horse riding accessble to anyone with fun magazines and structured learning.
Military’s fitness programs are often geared towards the ability to march, run, and carry weight. Fitness training in the service exists to prepare a Soldier to withstand the physical demands of combat. With that being said, some of the best workouts on Earth are “Army Workouts”! To train like our men and women of the Armed Services is a great way to get and stay in shape. Our activities are perfect for those who want to be as physically fit as our country’s Soldiers.
Easy St. Personal Training & Physiotherapy