Trudi Dempsey's Equine.Training brings better knowledge of training and behaviour to equestrians. From horses and ponies to donkeys and mules Trudi can help you with behaviour and training problems in away that is kind and compassionate to both equine and human. Individual support online and in person as well as courses and workshops online and around the UK. Trudi is a behaviour expert for publications like Your Horse and has written for the IAABC Foundation Journal as well as presenting at conferences and as guest lecturer for universities.
Aerial Dance | Pole Affinity | England Find out more about our classes in Pole, Aerial, Yoga and Flexibility. We are based in North Devon. Sign up for your first lesson with us today at Pole Affinity Aerial Fitness
Carswell Fitness & Massage - Home
Sendokai Devon - Martial Arts Club, Bideford, N. Devon.
Home | Lee Style Taoist Arts - Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Qigong, Kai Men, Tao Yin | | Lee Style Taoist Arts | Tao Yin Arts Welcome to Tao Yin Arts
North Devon BJJ, 100% dedicated to BJJ and grappling. With over 5 years experience NDBJJ is THE place to go for BJJ and Grappling in North Devon. Fun and friendly atmosphere, great team spirit.