Reflexology, Yoga and Complementary Therapy in Allestree, Derbyshire - Happy Soles Reflexology, complementary therapy and yoga in Allestree, Derbyshire
We believe that early education is the foundation for lifelong learning. Derwent Stepping Stones nurseries strive to combine local outstanding early learning and affordable childcare to give children the best start on their educational journey.
Our Personal Training in Nottingham offers excellent choices for good health, weight loss and a great workout. Learn more about our fitness sessions in Nottingham now!WHAT MAKES PERSONAL TRAINING WITH RB5 PT SO DIFFERENT? At RB5 PT, we focus on what’s important: YOU and your goals. Nothing else matters. Come and join us and you’ll feel the difference, in every sense.
Home | The Filshie Clinic We Specialise In Making You Feel Better The Filshie Clinic, based in Sherwood is celebrating 20 wonderful years. A stones throw away from Nottingham City Centre, our team welcomes you into a relaxed, calm and friendly environment. Here you can meet expert practitioners with a wealth of experienc ...
Déda Derby Dance | Deda Dance classes in Derby, Dance performances in Derby, hoop and trapeze in derby, meeting room hire in derby, derby festé, art in derby
Nottingham gym | H3 Perfomamce H3 Gym is a Nottingham city centre gym providing unique sessions and personal fitness training suitable for beginners to professional athletes.
HiitBoxx is a boutique boxing studio
All boxers are insured by UWCB by Bluefin Insurance. More details are available upon request. To ensure the safety of all of our participants, we make sure that we strictly adhere to our rules and regulations. Here is a summary of the guidelines: All Boxers are to have a medical before and after they box You must be aged 18 or over to compete All boxers train together to ensure fairly matched bouts Bouts contested over 3 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute intervals UWCB provide 16oz gloves to be worn on fight night Full UWCB headgear to be worn Groin protection compulsory for males, optional for females Scoring by referee Three standing eight counts in a round will result in referee stopping contest The referee can stop the bout and any stage if in their independent opinion, the safety of either boxer is compromised