tewkesbury school
I am absolutely thrilled and honoured to take up the mantle of Headteacher at
Tewkesbury School. When I first visited the school and the town back in 2021, I
was struck by the community feel, the passion for the town and the dedication of
the staff team for all the young people. I distinctly remember the pride with
which the student guides spoke of the school and of their community and the
ambition the team at Tewkesbury School had for every student. This will be my
second Headship in the South West and my 20th year in education and I am excited
to guide Tewkesbury School through its next phase. Headteachers are custodians
of schools on behalf of young people and it will be my privilege to work with
the whole community from governors, parents, students, colleagues and primary
colleagues to other partners in the town, county and region to make sure
Tewkesbury School is strong, effective and serving our children to the best of
its ability. The greatest successes come from working together towards a common
cause and there is no better cause than the education of the next generations. I
am keenly ambitious about our future as a school so will continue the drive
towards the highest standards academically and behaviourally whilst still
ensuring we remain an inclusive school serving the Tewkesbury community. The
educational landscape is shifting and changing at a national, regional and local
level yet, despite that, there is nothing more important than making sure our
young people are well prepared to step out into the world with confidence and
understanding as a result of great teaching and a broad range of experiences.
Everything I do will link back to preparing our young people to be successful in
their next steps in life. It is an absolute privilege to be the Headteacher at
Tewkesbury and I look forward to welcoming you to our school.