Nick Nuttgens Facilitator and Trainer Sheffield & the UK I help organisations: facilitation, training, organisation development, team-building, CPD, Action Learning, event management, role play, communication skills.
Olde Tyme Fitness - Personal Trainer
Positivity - Personal Training - Personal Trainer
Sheffield City Trust was the first leisure trust formed in the UK. Since 1987 we've led the way with an unrivalled mix of sport, leisure and entertainment venues to become The Health and Wellbeing Charity. In the last 30 years, we've been here to inspire people to be active, to enjoy sociable activities with friends and deliver a lasting legacy for our venues. We are proud to be part of the fabric of our greater city. Our not-for-profit status means all our surplus is reinvested in improving our venues and activities to ensure that we are here for the communities that we serve. Since 1990, we have invested around £50m in improving our facilities and reaching more local communities with our activities. From afternoon tea-dances in the art-deco surroundings of Sheffield City Hall to swimming in the Olympic Pool at Ponds Forge, our venues welcome over 4 million people every year. Our open to all philosophy ensures that our activities and facilities provide for everyone in our communities across the city.
Ladies Fitness & Wellness – 30 Minute Workout for Women
We are a family that values positivity, support, and camaraderie in everything that we do. Established in 1993 by Master Scott Coullie, Kangchul Black Belt Academy loves every student. We believe in our students' capabilities and strengths and offer age-specific classes to reach their fitness and life goals. We train together as a team and know that one person's success is the success of all.
Unity Gym Project | Transforming Lives, One Rep at a Time.