Leaders in spiritual research, bridging the known & unknown (spiritual) world. Dedicated to the spiritual progress of every person and society as a whole. We welcome you to ssrf.org a leading spiritual research website that answers questions on how the spiritual dimension affects our lives and on how to grow faster spiritually.
Spiritual Psychology of Acting
Her Spiritual Place. Kundalini Yoga, Cacao Ceremony, Meditation & Sound Healing Her Spiritual Place is a space to connect, heal and grow. Using powerful Kundalini yoga techniques, cacao, meditation, and sound healing.
Inner Spiritual Journey – Holistic Training School & Therapy Centre Bromsgrove Worcestershire Holistic Training School and Therapy Centre in Bromsgrove Worcestershire. Reiki training and treatments, Life Coaching, Regression, Hopi Ear, Indian Massage
Science is catching up with new innovations and discoveries in the fields of quantum physics & neuroscience giving us more information to thrive off, performing clinical trials and measuring our brain waves when we practice energy healing, Mindful practices and finding the different types of chemicals our bodies produce from just thought alone. We can now prove that our DNA changes based of off thought alone.
Gaiachi Spiritual Awakening Meditation Videos, Spiritual Healing, Light Language & Mentoring by Leeann Turner Gaiachi Spiritual Awakening. Live Meditation Videos, Spiritual Healing, Light Language & Mentoring by Leeann Turner