your space music lessons
My name is Olwen Macleod. I’ve been a music teacher on the Scottish Island of
North Uist in the outer Hebrides for 13 years. We have a reputation for music
here. Mendlessohn wrote us a beautiful overture about our Fingal’s Cave, many
musicians and composers live up here. The Scottish Islands are beautiful and
inspiring places. Once a year the island ferry brings the Associated Board of
the Royal School of Music to adjudicate those of our pupils taking piano exams.
Encouraged by their good results the same pupils appear before the examiner a
year later and a grade higher – and so it goes on... I have taught many a
starter pupil how to find middle C on the piano and never lost the delight in
seeing their faces when they give a good performance of a well learned piece.
Some have climbed to the top of the ladder and beyond, studying music at
University and making music a full time career for themselves. And such it is –
my music pupils grow up and leave the island – and the lessons stop.