LSET provides the perfect combination of traditional teaching methods and a diverse range of metamorphosed skill training. These techniques help us infuse core corporate values such as entrepreneurship, liberal thinking, and a rational mindset. LSET Bridges The Gap Between Education and Employment We motivate students to develop practical skills and create innovative solutions to real-world industry challenges. Small study groups, adaptable learning schedules, and a strong focus on extra activities make the overall educational journey more captivating and stimulating. This could be the ideal chance for anyone aiming to prepare for the swift and competitive professional landscape. Our trained and experienced faculty members [] and industry experts are known as the pioneers in the field of education. This helps us to provide individual attention. LSET is actively looking for collaboration with upcoming start-ups and established leader companies. This enables the student to cultivate communications for future references. We give the best opportunity to work in close proximity with the corporate world to give each student a career boost.
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MaionaCoding has secured a three year contract to run coding training courses for young people, in partnership with the Albany and funded by the Mayor of London’s Young Londoners Fund. This Creative Coding Collective project aims to secure jobs for young people while giving them a platform to express their creativity
No more learning alone! Here, you’re supported in every step of your journey. From private tutors to learning alongside other coders, you’ll be accountable to someone that will help you stay on track and reach your goals!We cut the fluff and get straight to the point. Don’t waste hours learning random pieces of theory. With our courses you’re going to be building impressive projects from your very first lesson.
We run a translational research group, focused on clinical applications of computing in medicine and are affiliated with Imperial College London. We focus on mathematical and computational approaches to improving healthcare, particularly translational and clinical applications of these approaches. These include using clinical "big data" to understand clinical outcomes, novel reasoning techniques to better understand clinical trials, computer-enhanced interpretation of imaging and using data from patient-worn sensors and online data collection. Our work is divided into three main areas: Near-patient sensing Big data and Artificial Intelligence Training, skills & partnerships We try to change life of patients diagnosed with cancer and their family as best as we can: when they come to have their treatment, once they leave the hospital and after they have finished their treatments thanks to nationally collected NHS data.
we use a variety of methods such as LEGO Robotics, photography, graphic design, film making and also arts and drama, all interlinked and tailored around science topics. These empower children, nurturing their natural curiosity, their creative thinking and problem solving, helping them to develop new skills and boost their creativity and innovative potential. Through our classes children increase their attention to details, their mathematical thinking, their communication, leadership and team-work skills.
Believe Achieve Succeed In striving to become an outstanding school. We aim to develop pupils with : high self esteem respect for themselves, others and our world responsibility for their own behaviour and learning the ability to assess their own learning needs positive attitudes to learning and play a sense of pride in our school. The Academy will provide : high quality education delivered by excellent staff differentiated learning a caring, supportive, safe learning environment learning inside and outside the classroom. The Academy is committed to : the health, welfare and overall development of all the inclusion of all include all our partners in raising achievement.