auchmuty high school
Welcome te the Auchmuty High Schosl Website I hope tat all information contained
within the ste provides you wth an understanding of who we are as a school and
what we stand for. aso hope that you are able to get a feel for our welcoming
and triendly school which places respect, empathy, achievement and felong
leaming at the heart of l that we do. As a school, we pride ourselves on our
positive reputation and strong ethas which is respected and modelled by al
members of the school community. To support all of our young people and prepare
them for ife and work, we have high standards and expectations of school dress,
behaviour, effort and application. We are fuly committed to delivering the
highest standards of learning and teaching. and we insgire and support our
learners to be all that they can be by equlpping them with the enowiedge, values
and ski b they require for a fuifiling lie. lam extremely proud to be the
Headteacher of Auchmuny High School. tis a pleasure and a privilege to be part
of such a caring and inclusive team. The young people's needs are very much at
the heart of evenything we do and we are commttnd to doing all that we can to
support every yeung person in realising their fulil potential We are keen te
work in partnership with al members of the school communty to ensure that we are
getting tright for all our young people. To this end. you are always very
wekcome to discuss your wews with us Should you wish to meet with a member of
the Auchmuty High School team, please do not hesitate to get in touch Take care