aaa eureka online
Eureka Online College is an organisation made up of teachers who work together
to provide subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) courses for aspiring teachers.
SKE courses are funded by the government and are designed for pre-ITT students
to gain the depth of knowledge needed to train to teach their chosen subject.
Eureka began delivering SKE courses in 2012, which was until recently funded by
DfE via grant funding to schools and universities. Through our succussful model
of combining on-demand content, online course tutor support and live one to one
lessons we have grown year on year and have become a household name amoungst ITT
providers nationally. We pride ourselves on the bespoke service we give to our
students and as an organisation, we are service driven. From 2021, SKE is now
delivered via contract with DfE and we operate through 2 main regional partners
(please see link on 'how to apply) who complete complete the financial
governance, manage student bursaries and attend steering groups with DfE,
leaving us to do what we do best, which is to deliver SKE courses to our