• Professional Development
  • Medicine & Nursing
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

89 Educators providing Sciences courses in Camberley




Here at Communicate-ed we are passionate about seeing people developed to their true potential. To that end, we provide practical, value-for money, relevant training for education professionals involved in the area of Special Needs We have a range of courses which cover a variety of roles at Secondary School and Further Education level. These include a brief overview for general staff, training for Teaching Assistants acting as Readers and Scribes, Invigilators overseeing exams, SENCos and Examination Officers organising support during the exam period, as well as Access Arrangements Assessors and Educational Psychologists assessing students. Our training for Language Modifiers is run jointly with the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors and offers accreditation for successful delegates. Our other courses include input on a wide variety of subjects related to the support of students with special educational needs including Dyslexia, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Dyscalculia and Behavioural Difficulties. We offer training for Access Arrangements Assessors including courses recognised by the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee for core CPD when updating SpLD Assessment Practising Certificates. We are also passionate about raising funds for charitable projects which support educational opportunities, particularly for those caught in poverty in the UK and overseas. To date we have been able to donate over £865,000 to a variety of causes.

The Soul Shed

the soul shed



                       Draw deeply from your own well of wisdom and inner guidance A gathering place  for creators,  healers, unseen sustainers and those longing to cultivate depth and sacredness in everyday life. The Soul Shed offers tools and intuive creative practices to support you in discovering your own well, and in drawing deeply from it. SoulCollage® is a process of allowing  imagery that speaks to you to arrive on your own deck of oracular cards, and hearing what they  have to say.  Orienting to your deeper life and its meanings requires  listening to all the parts of you and their guidence. SoulCollage® is a way to meet and be in counsel with them. More here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/soulcolllage] Deep-Mapping supports you in rooting into your instinctual knowing and find your own sense of belonging to place. Explore the rich experiential textures of your own square mile of location as a place of orientation and re-sourcing. More here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/walking-with-trees-1] Walking with Trees is a journey into your connection with wildlife through the lenses that really spark you, whether that be walking, mythology, poetry, photography, journalling, breath and bodywork and finding where they meet you in the  archetypal spaces of your imagination. Based on the book: 'Take it to the Trees' which you can find here [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-TREES-Samantha-Taroni-ebook/dp/B09LVDZ2BL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32CXODU9P33B9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qE5_omqT3JY2svEYh-V0fNWYOnn-lLkB31e0BuGc7bxwStkVCqwZ78DdenqH5VsrTxXaq93_mfS2t5EDibBDKwX-yGUt43QX9RdOdX6xkNuO4Mu8jatWxBqmSz-aMkqrnqA3Wshi6RK6R0-OSB0nf8a_zgglcpwf8ad-8QUisoE39S1hJ14ADoqhym2qBZaXVgZ4Dv8cPjfoiqYhrjIhkEn65sqJ8I0-K--EenU3Rbo.VN4UL6eUViTW7V2NZC9cFEcXp9XfugwjaRddmDSIWN0&dib_tag=se&keywords=take+it+to+the+trees&qid=1711287447&sprefix=take+it+to+the+trees%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-1] The Soul Shed ethos is underpinned by a belief that making sense of life involves going both inside and outside, and is dialogical and  collaborative, curious and creative.   Learn about our offerings here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/currentevents]