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5627 Educators providing Sciences courses delivered Live Online

School of Forest Sciences

school of forest sciences

Metsätieteiden osasto Metsätieteiden osasto on kansainvälisesti arvostettu tutkimus- ja koulutusyksikkö. Koulutamme korkeatasoisia asiantuntijoita metsä- ja ympäristöalan tehtäviin. Tarjoamme tieteellistä jatkokoulutusta Metsät ja bioresurssit -tohtoriohjelmassa, jonka opiskelijoista noin kaksi kolmasosaa on kansainvälisiä opiskelijoita. Kansainvälisyyttä lisäävät myös vaihto-opiskelijat ja muut vierailijat – meillä opiskelee ja työskentelee vuosittain yli 100 ulkomaista opiskelijaa tai tutkijaa. Tutkimusalojamme ovat muun muassa metsäekologia, metsänhoito, metsäsuunnittelu, kaukokartoitus laserkeilauksella, puunkorjuun logistiikka ja puumateriaalitiede. Joensuu on yksi maailman merkittävimpiä metsäosaamiskeskittymiä. Täällä ovat myös yhteistyökumppanimme Luonnonvarakeskus Joensuu, Euroopan metsäinstituutti ja Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu, ja alueella on vilkasta alan yritystoimintaa. 130 ALOITTAVAA OPISKELIJAA VUODESSA 180 KANSAINVÄLISTÄ TIETEELLISTÄ VERTAISARVIOITUA JULKAISUA VUODESSA 120 ASIANTUNTIJAA Opiskelu Olipa tavoitteenasi toimia metsätalouden paikallisena asiantuntijana tai kansainvälisesti arvostettuna vaikuttajana, meiltä saat parhaat mahdolliset eväät uraasi varten. Painotamme koulutuksessa kokonaisvaltaisen näkemyksen luomista metsistä, luonnonvarojen kestävästä hyödyntämisestä ja suojelun kehittämisestä. Metsätieteellinen koulutuksemme on kansainvälistä ja suomalainen kestävän metsätalouden osaaminen on maailmalla tunnustettua ja kysyttyä. Voit suuntautua opinnoissasi metsien hoitoon ja metsäekosysteemeihin, metsä-, energia- ja puuteknologiaan, metsien arviointiin ja suunnitteluun sekä metsäekonomiaan ja -politiikkaan. Maisteriopintoja voit suorittaa myös englanninkielisissä maisteriohjelmissamme. Monitieteinen tutkintomme antaa valmiuksia työskennellä laajasti metsään ja ympäristöön liittyvillä aloilla. Meiltä valmistuvat metsäalan asiantuntijat työllistyvät erilaisiin suunnittelu-, kehittämis-, opetus- ja tutkimustehtäviin tai vaikkapa alan yrittäjiksi. UUDELLE OPISKELIJALLE SIVUAINETARJONTA METSÄTIETEIDEN OPISKELIJOIDEN OPINTOYHTEISÖ PRO GRADUT

Reach Cambridge

reach cambridge


Since 2005, Reach Cambridge has given thousands of young people from all over the world the opportunity to prepare for the future in a university environment. Based in the historic city of Cambridge, our exciting and varied program comprises academic subject courses, group activities, lectures and excursions. Our team is dedicated to offering our students the international experience of a lifetime within a safe, positive and inspiring community. ‘Every year, we receive wonderful testimonials and feedback from students, parents and teachers about how reliable, enthusiastic, motivated and friendly our staff are. Our team is 100% dedicated to helping young people find their place in the modern world and, in the words of our Latin motto: Sic Itur Ad Astra – “Reach for the stars.”’ Jon McGoh, Founder and Jenny Evans, Managing Director APPLY BEFORE 15TH JANUARY AND SAVE £200 The Reach Team Our experienced and dedicated year round staff team meticulously plans and prepares for our programs throughout the year. Meanwhile our program teams ensure the safe and efficient running of the programs. As well as ensuring the organisation runs smoothly, several members of the year-round team also travel across the globe to visit schools and talk to students and their families about our programs face-to-face. Let us know if you’d like to receive a visit! Program Team Senior Staff Our experienced senior staff work together with our supervisors and teachers to ensure that our students have the opportunity to grow in confidence and enjoy their independence in a safe and supervised environment. They are onsite and on-call to oversee all aspects of the programme; their primary duty is to look after the health and safety of everyone involved, as well as to ensure every student feels welcome, and every program is enriching, inspiring and unforgettable. Academic Staff Our inspiring team of teachers works closely with our Director of Curriculum to provide the highest quality subject courses. Many of our teachers are working or studying at high-level academic institutions such as Cambridge, Oxford or London universities. They usually are Fellows, Professors, researchers or postgraduates and specialists in their field. Here at Reach, our teachers have significant autonomy in creating their courses so that they can utilise their expertise fully. Supervisory Staff Reach Cambridge supervisors live on-site alongside the students and are available 24 hours a day. Many of our supervisors are current undergraduates and are the students’ first point of contact to attend to their questions or concerns. Supervisors run an amazing schedule of daily activities and take part in weekend excursions with the whole community of students. They also look after a dedicated small group of students who live in the accommodation with them. A look inside – Our Academic Courses Accreditation Reach Cambridge is proudly accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) for Independent Further and Higher Education as a Short Course Provider. This is an extract from our most recent interim report – “The senior leadership team is cohesive, collaborative and responsive. Teaching and learning are of a high quality, using highly qualified, experienced and engaging teachers. Programmes are well-designed to offer participants a well-rounded mix of academic and personal development opportunities. Programmes are designed to enable participants to benefit from the wider learning and development that arises from mixing with participants across a wide range of ages and cultures.” Education experts from the BAC inspectorate assessed the institution against our standards during a formal inspection visit. The Inspection team wrote a report for the independent Accreditation Committee who subsequently awarded accreditation, which is valid for four years. The inspection report is available in the Directory and Inspection Reports section on the BAC website, where you can read more about the BAC. Cambridge Cambridge is a prestigious centre of academia and a beautiful place to live and study. The world-famous University of Cambridge is over 800 years old, and has been home to some of the most respected authors, scientists, thinkers, and even royalty. The city boasts some of the country’s finest architecture, art galleries and museums, as well as a vibrant theatre scene. Running through it is the River Cam: colleges glimpsed from the banks of the Backs, students punting along the water, and rowers practicing at high speed, are all part of the Cambridge experience. A Brief History of Cambridge Before the University The Romans were first to build a town in Cambridge, although archaeologists have found evidence of habitation as far back as 1500BC. It was a convenient crossing point for the River Granta now known as the River Cam. Throughout Anglo-Saxon and Norman times, settlements tended to centre on what is now known as Castle Hill‚ for its fortification potential. William the Conqueror was the first to build a castle on the hill and his son, Henry 1st, gave the town its first charter. The oldest structure in Cambridge, St Bene’t’s Church, dates from the 11th Century. The University It was in 1209 that scholars, taking refuge from hostile townsmen in Oxford, settled in Cambridge. Students soon flocked to Cambridge, although in its early years, these were largely clerks or clergymen in holy orders of some sort. It was not until 1284 that the first Cambridge College (of which there are now 31), Peterhouse, was founded. Colleges sprang up in the centuries to follow‚ the result of benefactions from donors including King Henry VIII. The most famous structure in Cambridge – King’s College Chapel – was built by a succession of Kings, starting with Henry VI in 1446 and finishing with Henry VIII in 1515. Cambridge is the top-ranked University in the UK and has produced 118 Nobel laureates and 15 British Prime Ministers. Famous Scholars In 1627, a clergyman by the name of John Harvard entered Cambridge, before emigrating to America in 1638 and founding Harvard University. Numerous other influential scholars have passed through Cambridge: Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron and Lord Tennyson, several signatories of the American Declaration of Independence, Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, F.R. Leavis, John Maynard Keynes, Crick & Watson, Sylvia Plath, Frederick Sanger, Ted Hughes and Stephen Hawking to name but a few! All Reach Cambridge students have the opportunity to live and study in this inspiring environment, walking in the footsteps of great scholars who have changed the way we see the world. Cambridge Gallery APPLY BEFORE 15TH JANUARY AND SAVE £200 Register Your Interest First Name* Surname* Email* Country* Select Country Phone/WhatsappPlease include a country dialling code Which best describes you* Select Inquiry Please sign me up to your online mailer for the latest news and updates Yes CAPTCHA Reach Cambridge Resources Find out more Why Reach? 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National School of Sciences

national school of sciences

NIST National School of Sciences is a premier education institution, which was established in 1993. It is situated at Lainchour, strategically important location in the Kathmandu valley, and is one of the constituent institutions under the NIST Foundation. The school has been conducting Plus 2 programme (Grade 11 – 12), now Upper Secondary school classes, both in Science and Management for the last three decades. The school follows the national curriculum under the National Examination Board (NEB), Nepal. The school management is planning to introduce other courses in Law, Arts and Humanities in Grade 11–12 in the near future while the ultimate goal is to provide the continuum of education from Pre–school to Grade 12 under the National School of Sciences within the next few years. The NIST Foundation was initiated by a group of scientists and academicians. The core objectives were to establish academic institutions, and to provide students with quality education focusing primarily on science and technology so as to promote the science education in the country. At present, there are nine academic institutions including the National School of Sciences under the NIST Foundation, and they run classes from Pre–school to university level at different locations. The school has always emphasized the academic excellence of students and fostered a culture of innovation and collaboration. As a result, our students graduate with outstanding performance in the board examinations every year. Today, many of its alumni are engaged in the highly regarded professions and businesses within the country and abroad. Nearly 1,000 students are enrolled annually in the Science and Management Stream. The students are drawn from different provinces, diverse culture and ethnicity allowing them to engage in intercultural understanding and to experience a rich learning. The school provides students with ample opportunities to engage in co–curricular and extra–curricular activities that ensure their holistic development which enables them to succeed not only in higher education but in life as well. In addition, the school instills in students moral values such as integrity, responsibility, empathy, collaboration and respect that are essential for students to be a good human being while nurturing their full potential.