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8 Educators providing Scala courses in Potters Bar

Nexus Human

nexus human


Nexus Human, established over 20 years ago, stands as a pillar of excellence in the realm of IT and Business Skills Training and education in Ireland and the UK.  For over two decades, Nexus Human has been a steadfast source of reliable and high-quality training solutions, catering to a diverse range of professional and educational needs. With a strong reputation in the Training Industry, Nexus Human has consistently demonstrated its commitment to equipping individuals and organisations with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in today's dynamic world.  Our training programs span a wide spectrum, encompassing IT certifications, business skills, and much more.   What sets Nexus Human apart is our unwavering dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends and technology advancements.  Our expert instructors, coupled with cutting-edge training resources, ensure that students receive the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge available. The impact of Nexus Human extends far and wide, helping individuals enhance their career prospects and aiding businesses in achieving their goals.  This 20-year journey has solidified our institution's standing as a trusted partner in personal and professional growth, offering reliable, excellent training that continues to shape the future.  Whether you seek to upskill, reskill, or simply stay ahead of the curve, Nexus Human is the place to turn for an educational experience marked by quality, reliability, and innovation.

Makris Music Society

makris music society


Alexander Polyanichko, an internationally renowned conductor and educator regularly leads conducting masterclasses in cooperation with organizations such as Peter the Great Music Academy, Royal Baltic Festival, Hermitage Theatre, and St. Petersburg Chamber Philharmonic. A graduate of the Leningrad State Conservatory and the former student and assistant of the eminent conductor and pedagogue Ilya Musin (whose students were Yuri Temirkanov, Semyon Bychkov, and Valery Gergiev, among others), maestro Polyanichko has been one of Musin’s biggest proponents, carrying the great tradition of the St. Petersburg school of conducting. Maestro Polyanichko’s artistry, knowledge, his genuine willingness to share his experiences, his sense of humour, as well as his friendly and respectful manner of communication create a free exchange of ideas and a spirit of collaboration, while he and his students search for ways to resolve emerging issues related to the mastery of conducting, in a comfortable and productive masterclass atmosphere. Masterclasses traditionally consist of two parts: First Part, where the music conducted is being accompanied by two experienced pianists; and the Second Part where the students have the opportunity to work with a professional symphony orchestra. The dress rehearsal preceding the concert is where the conductors have a full assestment of their skills, as well as the final public concert (professionally recorded) as the culmination of the masterclass. During his twenty or so years of teaching at masterclasses, aestro MAlexander Polyanichko has worked with conductors from countries around the world including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Oman, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States of America. His students have consistently expressed their appreciation on his pedagogical skills and the masterclasses, and have gone to conduct many successful performances of their own in their respective countries and beyond. Formerly a violinist in the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Philharmonic Orchestra under Evgeny Mravinsky, Alexander Polianichko studied conducting at the St. Petersburg Conservatoire with Prof. Iliya Musin. In December 1988, he was awarded first prize in the Sixth All-Union Conducting Competition. In February 1989, he was invited by Maestro V. Gergiev to join to the Mariinsky (Kirov) Theatre as a House Conductor. Alexander toured with the Company throughout Europe, Asia, and the United States. In 1994, Polianichko made his London debut conducting English National Opera’s production of Eugene Onegin. This led to him conducting two productions of Tchaikovsky’s operas with the Royal Opera Covent Garden: a revival of The Queen of Spades with Placido Domingo, and a new production of The Tsarina’s Slippers by Francesca Zambello of Cherevichki. As a guest conductor, Polianichko has appeared at many renowned opera houses, including the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, Royal Opera House, La Scala, Deutsche Oper, San Francisco Opera, Australian Opera, English National Opera, Welsh National Opera, Danish Royal Opera, Stuttgart Oper, Colorado Opera, Lyric Opera of Kansas City, Norwegian Royal Opera, and Swedish Royal Opera. In 1996, he was invited to take the Opéra National de Paris to New York for their appearances at the Met. The symphonic orchestras he has conducted around the world include the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Russian National Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, City of Birmingham Symphony, Hallé Orchestra, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Danish National Radio Orchestra, English and Irish Chamber Orchestras - among many others. From 1986 to 1989, Polianichko was the Principal Conductor and Artistic Director of the Belorussian State Chamber Orchestra in Minsk. He also taught conducting in Belorussian and Leningrad State Conservatoires. From 1996 to 1999, he was the Principal Conductor of the Bournemouth Sinfonietta. From 2012 to 2015, he was the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Rostov Academic Symphony Orchestra. He also served as the professor of the conducting department of the Rostov State Conservatoire. He was awarded the Honoured Artist of Russia title in 2009. Polianichko appears at many prestigious music festivals in Russia and abroad, including Edinburgh, Aldeburgh and Savonlinna, Golden Mask, White Nights and Chaliapin Opera Festivals, and had the privilege to work with many world-famous artists and singers, such as Anna Netrebko, Anne Sofie von Otter, Elena Obraztsova, Dawn Upshaw, Olga Borodina, Makvala Kasrashvili, Larissa Diadkova, Irina Bogacheva, as well as Placido Domingo, Jonas Kaufmann, Vladimir Galuzin, Ildar Abdrazakov, Sir Thomas Allen, Pata Burchuladze, Sergey Leiferkus, John Tomlinson and many others. He participated as the Jury member at the Rimsky-Korsakov Opera Singers’ Competition (1996), the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World competition (2011), and the Makris International Conducting Competition (2019). His featured recordings on DVD include Romeo & Juliet with Royal Sweden Ballet (2013); Cherevichki/Tsarina’s Slippers with Royal Opera House Covent Garden (2009); Beyond the Score with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (2008); as well as television recordings and live radio broadcasts worldwide. His is featured on various CD/audio recordings on the label Melodia in Russia. Since 2005, Polianichko gave orchestral masterclasses for the Swedish National Orchestra Academy, Symphony Orchestra of the Royal College of Music, London, Chamber Orchestra of the Cambridge University, and Britten-Pears Youth Orchestra. Since 2002, he has been holding annual conducting masterclasses in St. Petersburg organized by Peter the Great Music Academy, the Royal Baltic festival, and the Theatre of Hermitage Museum, to which students come from all over the world.

Jobs4U - Your It- Recruitment Partner

jobs4u - your it- recruitment partner


Jobs4U -Your European and American IT-recruitment Partner JoBs4U is an IT-recruitment firm with a twist. We provide high quality IT-recruitment solutions to clients all over the EU and the US. We provide our clients with top notch staff from accross the EU and the wider world. Our main markets are the Nordics, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland the UK and the rest of the EU. We help companies of all sizes with recruitment and staffing both on - site and remote teams as well as consultancy in HR, management, marketing management, internationalisation of businesses, in other words, we are not just an IT-recruiter.. We provide our customers with everything from full stack developers to programmers and designers, many which are game designers and game developers to our clients in the gaming industry. We provide both front end developers and back end developers and other specialists. Our social mission is to promote women in IT, to inform and inspire. JoBs4U, For People By People! Jobs4U är ett IT rekryterings företag som hjälper IT företag inom hela EU hitta personal Vår främsta marknad är den Nordiska, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge och Island. Vi rekryterar allt från full stack developers till programmerare och spelutvecklare och designers. Vi hyr även ut personal både de som ärbetar på plats men även remote teams som är vår specialitet. Vi erbjuder även konsulttjänster inom HR, Management, marknadsföring och organisation. Vår mission är att arbeta för en större inklusivitet genom att arbeta för att öka andelen kvinnor inom IT branschen. Detta gör vi genom att föra fram starka kvinnliga kandidater, att informera och inspirera. JoBs4u - För Människor, Av Människor. Jobs4U er et IT -rekrutteringsselskap som hjelper IT -selskaper i hele EU, men vårt hovedmarked er de nordiske landene, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island. Vi rekrutterer alt fra full stack -utviklere til programmerere og spillutviklere og designere. Vi ansetter også ansatte både de som jobber på stedet, men også eksterne team som er vår spesialitet. Vi tilbyr også konsulenttjenester innen HR, ledelse, markedsføring og organisasjon. Vårt oppdrag er å arbeide for større inkludering ved å arbeide for å øke andelen kvinner i IT -bransjen. Vi gjør dette ved å bringe frem sterke kvinnelige kandidater, informere og inspirere. JoBs4u - For mennesker, av mennesker. Jobs4U er en IT -rekrutteringsvirksomhed, der hjælper it -virksomheder i hele EU, men vores hovedmarked er de nordiske lande, Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island. Vi rekrutterer alt fra fulde stack -udviklere til programmører og spiludviklere og designere. Vi ansætter også personale både dem, der arbejder på stedet, men også fjernteam, som er vores speciale. Vi tilbyder også konsulentydelser inden for HR, Management, marketing og organisation. Vores mission er at arbejde for større inklusivitet ved at arbejde for at øge andelen af kvinder i it -branchen. Det gør vi ved at bringe stærke kvindelige kandidater frem, informere og inspirere. JoBs4u - For mennesker, af mennesker. Jobs4U er ráðningarfyrirtæki í upplýsingatækni sem hjálpar upplýsingatæknifyrirtækjum um allt ESB en aðalmarkaðurinn okkar er Norðurlöndin, Svíþjóð, Finnland, Danmörk, Noregur og Ísland. Við ráðum allt frá hönnuði til fullra stafla til forritara og leikjahönnuða og hönnuða. Við ráðum einnig starfsfólk bæði þá sem vinna á staðnum en einnig afskekkt teymi sem er sérgrein okkar. Við bjóðum einnig upp á ráðgjafarþjónustu í HR, stjórnun, markaðssetningu og skipulagi. Markmið okkar er að vinna að aukinni aðgreiningu með því að vinna að því að auka hlutfall kvenna í upplýsingatækniiðnaði. Við gerum þetta með því að koma fram sterkum kvenkyns frambjóðendum, upplýsa og hvetja. JoBs4u - Fyrir fólk, eftir fólki. Jobs4U on IT -rekrytointiyritys, joka auttaa IT -yrityksiä kaikkialla EU: ssa, mutta päämarkkina -alueemme ovat Pohjoismaat, Ruotsi, Suomi, Tanska, Norja ja Islanti. Rekrytoimme kaikkea täyspino -kehittäjistä ohjelmoijiin, pelikehittäjiin ja suunnittelijoihin. Palkkaamme myös henkilökuntaa sekä paikan päällä työskenteleviä että myös etätyöryhmiä, jotka ovat erikoisuutemme. Tarjoamme myös henkilöstöhallinnon, johtamisen, markkinoinnin ja organisaation konsultointipalveluja. Missiomme on parantaa osallisuutta lisäämällä naisten osuutta IT -alalla. Teemme tämän tuomalla esiin vahvoja naiskandidaatteja, informoimalla ja inspiroimalla. JoBs4u - Ihmisille, Ihmisille. Jobs4U ist ein IT-Recruitment-Unternehmen, das IT-Unternehmen in der gesamten EU hilft, aber unser Hauptmarkt sind die nordischen Länder, Schweden, Finnland, Dänemark, Norwegen und Island. Wir rekrutieren alles, von Full-Stack-Entwicklern über Programmierer bis hin zu Spieleentwicklern und -designern. Wir stellen auch Mitarbeiter ein, die sowohl vor Ort arbeiten, als auch Remote-Teams, was unsere Spezialität ist. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Beratungsleistungen in den Bereichen Personal, Management, Marketing und Organisation an. Unsere Mission ist es, für mehr Inklusion zu arbeiten, indem wir daran arbeiten, den Frauenanteil in der IT-Branche zu erhöhen. Wir tun dies, indem wir starke Kandidatinnen hervorbringen, informieren und inspirieren. JoBs4u - Für Menschen, von Menschen. Jobs4U es una empresa de contratación de TI que ayuda a empresas de TI en toda la UE, pero nuestro principal mercado son los países nórdicos, Suecia, Finlandia, Dinamarca, Noruega e Islandia. Reclutamos todo, desde desarrolladores full stack hasta programadores y desarrolladores y diseñadores de juegos. También contratamos personal tanto a los que trabajan en el sitio como a equipos remotos que es nuestra especialidad. También ofrecemos servicios de consultoría en RRHH, Management, marketing y organización. Nuestra misión es trabajar por una mayor inclusión trabajando para aumentar la proporción de mujeres en la industria de TI. Hacemos esto presentando candidatas sólidas, informando e inspirando. JoBs4u: para personas, por personas. Jobs4U est une société de recrutement informatique qui aide les entreprises informatiques dans toute l'UE, mais notre marché principal est les pays nordiques, la Suède, la Finlande, le Danemark, la Norvège et l'Islande. Nous recrutons tout, des développeurs full stack aux programmeurs et développeurs et concepteurs de jeux. Nous embauchons également du personnel à la fois ceux qui travaillent sur place mais aussi des équipes à distance ce qui est notre spécialité. Nous offrons également des services de conseil en RH, Management, marketing et organisation. Notre mission est de travailler pour une plus grande inclusion en travaillant à augmenter la proportion de femmes dans l'industrie informatique. Pour ce faire, nous présentons des candidatures féminines fortes, informatives et inspirantes. JoBs4u - Pour les gens, par les gens. Python. Java. Ruby/Ruby on Rails. HTML. JavaScript. C Language. C++ C# Objective-C. PHP. SQL. 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We help recruit professionals in Python, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript/ NodeJS, TypeScript, Go, C++, Swift, c#, R, PHP, Dart, Kotlin, MATLAB, Perl, Ruby, Rust, Scala. 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Courses matching "Scala"

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Network design


By Systems & Network Training

Network design training course description This course provides you with the knowledge needed to perform the design of a network infrastructure that supports desired network solutions to achieve effective performance, scalability, and availability. We recognise that the role of design does not normally require hands on skills but hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory not to teach configuration or troubleshooting. What will you learn Create HA enterprise network designs. Develop optimum Layer 3 designs. Design effective modern WAN and data center networks. Develop effective migration approaches to IPv6. Create effective network security designs. Network design training course details Who will benefit: Anyone involved with network design. Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers Duration 5 days Network design training course contents Part I Reliable, resilient enterprise L2/3 network designOptimal Enterprise Campus Design:Enterprise campus design principles, hierarchy, modularity, flexibility, resiliency.EIGRP design:EIGRP Design, Should you use EIGRP?OSPF design: OSPF scalability designs, OSPF area design, OSPF Full-Mesh Design, OSPF Hub-and-Spoke Design, OSPF convergence design and optimization techniques. IS-IS Design:The protocol, IS-IS hierarchical architecture, IS-IS vs OSPF, IS-IS Deep Dive, IS-IS Design Considerations. BGP design:BGP overview, Designing Scalable iBGP Networks, BGP Route Reflector Design, Enhancing the Design of BGP Policies with BGP Communities, Case Study: Designing Enterprise wide BGP Policies Using BGP Communities, BGP Load-Sharing Design.Part II Enterprise IPv6 Design ConsiderationsIPv6 Design Considerations in the Enterprise: IPv6 Deployment and Design Considerations, Considerations for Migration to IPv6 Design, IPv6 Transition Mechanisms, Final Thoughts on IPv6 Transition Mechanisms. Challenges of the Transition to IPv6: IPv6 Services, Link Layer Security Considerations. Part III Modern Enterprise Wide-Area Networks DesignService Provider-Managed VPNs:Choosing Your WAN Connection, Layer 3 MPLS VPNs, Case Study: MPLS VPN Routing Propagation, Layer 2 MPLS VPN Services. Enterprise-Managed WANs: Enterprise-Managed VPNs, GRE, Multipoint GRE, Point-to-Point and Multipoint GRE, IPsec, IPsec and dynamic VTI, DMVPN, Case Study: EIGRP DMVPN, DMVPN and Redundancy, Case Study: MPLS/VPN over GRE/DMVPN, SSL VPN. Enterprise WAN Resiliency Design: WAN Remote-Site Overview, MPLS L3 WAN Design Models, Common L2 WAN Design Models, Common VPN WAN Design Models, 3G/4G VPN Design Models, Remote Site Using Local Internet, Remote-Site LAN, Case Study: Redundancy and Connectivity, NGWAN, SDWAN, and IWAN Solution Overview, IWAN Design Overview, Enterprise WAN and Access Management. Part IV Enterprise Data Center DesignsMultitier Data Center Designs: Case Study: Small Data Centers (Connecting Servers to an Enterprise LAN), Case Study: Two-Tier Data Center Network Architecture, Case Study: Three-Tier Data Center Network Architecture.Trends and Techniques to Design Modern Data Centers: The Need for a New Network Architecture, Limitations of Current Networking Technology, Modern Data Center Design Techniques and Architectures, Multitenant Data Center. SDN:SDN characteristics, How SDN addresses current Networking Limitations, SDN Architecture Components, SDN Network Virtualization overlays. Data Center Connections:Data Center Traffic Flows, The Need for DCI, IP Address Mobility, Case Study: Dark Fiber DCI, Pseudowire DCI. Part V Design QoS for Optimized User ExperienceQoS Overview:QoS Overview, IntServ versus DiffServ, Classification and Marking, Policers and Shapers, Policing Tools: Single-Rate Three-Color Marker, Policing Tools: TwoRate Three-Color Marker, Queuing Tools, Dropping Tools. QoS design principles and best practices: QoS overview, classification and marking design principles, policing and remarking design principles, queuing design principles, dropping design principles, Per-Hop behavior queue design principles, RFC 4594 QoS Recommendation, QoS Strategy Models. Campus QoS, WAN QoS, Data Center QoS.MPLS VPN QoS Design: The Need for QoS in MPLS VPN, Layer 2 Private WAN QoS Administration, Fully Meshed MPLS VPN QoS Administration, MPLS DiffServ Tunneling Modes, Sample MPLS VPN QoS Roles. IPsec VPN QoS Design: The Need for QoS in IPsec VPN, VPN Use Cases and Their QoS Models, IPsec Refresher, Encryption and Classification: Order of Operations, MTU Considerations, DMVPN QoS Considerations. Part VI IP Multicast DesignEnterprise IP Multicast Design: How Does IP Multicast Work? Multicast Protocols, Multicast Forwarding and RPF Check, Multicast Protocol Basics, PIM-SM Overview, Multicast Routing Table, Basic SSM Concepts, Bidirectional PIM. RP discovery, Anycast RP Features, MSDP. Part VII Designing Optimum Enterprise Network SecurityDesigning Security Services and Infrastructure Protection Network Security Zoning, Designing Infrastructure Protection.Designing firewall & IPS solutions: Firewall architectures, virtualized firewalls. Case Study: Application Tier separation, Case Study: Firewalls in a Data Center, Case Study: Firewall High Availability, IPS Architectures, Case Study: Secure Campus Edge Design (Internet and Extranet Connectivity). IP Multicast Security: Multicast Security Challenges, Multicast Network Security Considerations. Designing Network Access Control Solutions:IEEE 802.1X, EAP, 802.1X supplicants, 802.1X phased deployment, Case Study: Authorization Options. Part VIII Design scenariosDesign Case Studies: 1: Enterprise Connectivity, 2: Enterprise BGP with Internet Connectivity, 3: IPv6, 4: Data Center Connectivity, 5: Resilient Enterprise WAN, 6: Secure Enterprise Network, 7: QoS in the Enterprise Network.

Network design
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates

Complete Perl programming


By Systems & Network Training

Perl training course description A hands on introduction to programming in Perl. What will you learn Write Perl programs. Use Perl modules. Debug Perl programs. Examine existing code and determine its function. Perl training course details Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn Perl. Prerequisites: None although experience in another high level language would be useful. Duration 5 days Perl training course contents Introduction to Perl What is Perl? When to use Perl, downloading Perl, installing Perl, documentation, perldoc, running Perl, the Perl environment. Perl under UNIX, Perl under Windows. "Hello world". Variables Scalars, data types, $_, strings and numbers, assignment, constants, strict, scope, STDIN. Operators Number operators, string operators, precedence and associativity, converting numbers and strings, shortcut operators. Flow control Blocks, if, else, elseif, unless, foreach, while, for do, until. Regular expressions What are regular expressions? Pattern matching, Perl as a filter, file editing. Strings Comparing strings, concatenating, substrings, chomp, chop, formatting, string manipulation. Subroutines Comparing strings, concatenating, substrings, chomp, chop, formatting, string manipulation. Arrays and hashes Working with arrays, element access, push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), <STDIN> as an array, associative arrays, hashes of arrays, hash references, arrays of hashes, hashes of hashes. Files Simple file handling, open, close, <FILEHANDLE>, <>, file tests, directory access, directory handles, database access, packing and packing binary data. I/O STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR, Command line arguments,@ARGV. Perl debugging The built in debugger, running the debugger, debugger commands, graphical debuggers. Script syntax errors, single stepping, breakpoints, watches. Packages and modules CPAN, Finding modules, installing modules, using modules, scope. Report formatting Formats, defining a format, invoking a format, field holders. Process management System interaction, system(), exec(), signals. Security issues.

Complete Perl programming
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates

Programming in HTML5 with CSS


By Systems & Network Training

Programming in HTML5 with CSS course description This course provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It is an entry point into both the Web application and Windows Store apps training paths. The course focuses on using HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured application. What will you learn Create and style HTML5 pages. Use JavaScript. Style HTML5 pages by using CSS3. Use common HTML5 APLs in interactive Web applications. Create HTML5 Web pages that can adapt to different devices and form factors. Enhance the user experience by adding animations to the HTML5 page. Programming in HTML5 with CSS course details Who will benefit: Website developers. Prerequisites: HTML5 development fundamentals. Duration 5 days Programming in HTML5 with CSS course contents Overview of HTML and CSS Overview of HTML, Overview of CSS, Creating a Web Application by Using Visual Studio 2012. Hands on Exploring the Contoso Conference Application. Creating and Styling HTML5 Pages Creating an HTML5 Page, Styling an HTML5 Page. Hands on Creating and Styling HTML5 Pages. Introduction to JavaScript Overview of JavaScript Syntax, Programming the HTML DOM with JavaScript, Introduction to jQuery. Hands on Displaying Data and Handling Events by Using JavaScript. Creating Forms to Collect and Validate User Input Overview of Forms and Input Types, Validating User Input by Using HTML5 Attributes, Validating User Input by Using JavaScript. Hands on Creating a Form and Validating User Input. Communicating with a Remote Data Source Sending and Receiving Data by Using XMLHTTPRequest, Sending and Receiving Data by Using jQuery AJAX operations. Hands on Communicating with a Remote Data Source. Styling HTML5 by Using CSS3 Styling Text, Styling Block Elements, CSS3 Selectors, Enhancing Graphical Effects by Using CSS3. Hands on Styling Text and Block Elements using CSS3. Creating Objects and Methods by Using JavaScript Writing Well-Structured JavaScript, Creating Custom Objects, Extending Objects. Hands on Refining Code for Maintainability and Extensibility. Creating Interactive Pages using HTML5 APIs Interacting with Files, Incorporating Multimedia, Reacting to Browser Location and Context, Debugging and Profiling a Web Application. Hands on Creating Interactive Pages by Using HTML5 APIs. Adding Offline Support to Web Applications Reading and Writing Data Locally, Adding Offline Support by Using the Application Cache. Hands on Adding Offline Support to a Web Application. Implementing an Adaptive User Interface Supporting Multiple Form Factors, Creating an Adaptive User Interface. Hands on Implementing an Adaptive User Interface. Creating Advanced Graphics Creating Interactive Graphics by Using Scalable Vector Graphics, Programmatically Drawing Graphics by Using a Canvas. Hands on Creating Advanced Graphics. Animating the User Interface Applying CSS Transitions, Transforming Elements, Applying CSS Key-frame Animations. Hands on Animating User Interface Elements. Web Sockets for Real-Time Communications Introduction to Web Sockets, Sending and Receiving Data by Using Web Sockets. Hands on Implementing Real-Time Communications by Using Web Sockets. Creating a Web Worker Process Introduction to Web Workers, Performing Asynchronous Processing by Using a Web Worker. Hands on Creating a Web Worker Process.

Programming in HTML5 with CSS
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CCNP core


By Systems & Network Training

CCNP training course description The Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.2 course provides the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. You'll learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network and how to overlay network design using solutions such as SDAccess and SD-WAN. Course content includes 3 days of self-study material. This course helps you prepare for the 350-401 Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) exam What will you learn Configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks Implement security principles within an enterprise network Prepare you prepare to take the 350-401 Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) exam CCNP training course details Who will benefit: Mid-level network engineers, Network administrators, Network support technicians, Help desk technicians. Prerequisites: Implementation of Enterprise LAN networks. Basic understanding of Enterprise routing and wireless connectivity, and Python scripting Duration 5 days CCNP training course content Cisco Enterprise Network Architecture: Access, distribution, core in the hierarchical network. Cisco Switching Paths: Switching mechanisms, TCAM, CAM, process switching, fast switching, and CEF. Implementing Campus LAN Connectivity: Troubleshoot L2 connectivity using VLANs and trunkingBuilding Redundant Switched Topology: STP Implementing Layer 2 Port Aggregation Troubleshoot link aggregation using Etherchannel EIGRP Implement and optimize OSPFv2/v3, including adjacencies, packet types, and areas, summarization, and route filtering for IPv4/v6 Implement EBGP interdomain routing, path selection, and single and dual-homed networkingImplementing Network Redundancy: HSRP and VRRP Implement static and dynamic NAT Virtualization Protocols and TechniquesVPNs and Interfaces: Overlay technologies such as VRF, GRE, VPN, and LISP Wireless Principles: RF, antenna characteristics, and wireless standards.Wireless Deployment: Models available, autonomous AP deployments and cloud-based designs within the centralized Cisco WLC architecture Wireless Roaming and Location ServicesWireless AP Operation: How APs communicate with WLCs to obtain software, configurations, and centralized managementWireless Client Authentication: EAP, WebAuth, and PSK wireless client authentication on a WLC. Troubleshoot wireless client connectivity issues using various available tools Troubleshoot networks using services such as NTP, SNMP, Cisco IP SLAs, NetFlow, and Cisco IOS EEM Explain network analysis and troubleshooting tools, which include show and debug commands, as well as best practices in troubleshootingMulticast Protocols: IGMP v2/v3, PIM DM/SM and RPs Introducing QoS: Concepts and features. Implementing Network Services: Secure administrative access for Cisco IOS devices using CLI access, RBAC, ACL, and SSH, and device hardening concepts to secure devices from less secure applications Using Network Analysis ToolsInfrastructure Security: Scalable administration using AAA and the local database, features and benefits Enterprise Network Security Architecture: VPNs, content security, logging, endpoint security, personal firewalls, and other security features. Automation and Assurance with Cisco DNA Center: Purpose, function, features, and workflow. Intent-Based Networking, for network visibility, proactive monitoring, and application experienceCisco SD-Access Solution: Nodes, fabric control plane, and data plane, VXLAN gatewaysCisco SD-WAN Solution: Components and features of Cisco SD-WAN solutions, including the orchestration, management, control, and data planesBasics of Python Programming: Python components and conditionals with script writing and analysis Network Programmability: NETCONF and RESTCONF APIs in Cisco DNA Center and vManage Labs: Investigate the CAM. Analyze CEF. Troubleshoot VLAN and Trunk Issues. Tuning STP and Configuring RSTP. Configure MSTP. Troubleshoot EtherChannel. Implement Multi-area OSPF. Implement OSPF Tuning. Apply OSPF Optimization. Implement OSPFv3. Configure and Verify Single-Homed EBGP. Implementing HSRP. Configure VRRP. Implement NAT. Configure and Verify VRF. Configure and Verify a GRE Tunnel. Configure Static VTI Point-to-Point Tunnels. Configure Wireless Client Authentication in a Centralized Deployment. Troubleshoot Wireless Client Connectivity Issues. Configure Syslog. Configure and Verify Flexible NetFlow. Configuring Cisco IOS EEM. Troubleshoot Connectivity and Analyze Traffic with Ping, Traceroute, and Debug. Configure and Verify Cisco IP SLAs. Configure Standard and Extended ACLs. Configure Control Plane Policing. Implement Local and Server-Based AAA. Writing and Troubleshooting Python Scripts. Explore JSON Objects and Scripts in Python. Use NETCONF Via SSH. Use RESTCONF with Cisco IOS XE.

CCNP core
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates

Complete Python programming


By Systems & Network Training

Complete Python training course description Python is an agile, robust, expressive, fully objectoriented, extensible, and scalable programming language. It combines the power of compiled languages with the simplicity and rapid development of scripting languages. This course covers Python from the very basics of 'hello world!' through to object oriented programming and advanced topics such as multi threading. Hands on follows all the major sections in order to reinforce the theory. What will you learn Read Python programs. Write Python programs. Debug Python programs. Use Python's objects and memory model as well as its OOP features. Complete Python programming training course details Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn Python. Prerequisites: None. Duration 5 days Complete Python programming training course contents Welcome to Python: What is Python? Origins, features. Downloading and installing Python, Python manuals, comparing Python, other implementations. Getting started: Program output, the print statement, "hello world!", Program input, raw_input(), comments, operators, variables and assignment, numbers, strings, lists and tuples, dictionaries, indentation, if statement, while Loop, for loop. range(), list comprehensions. Files, open() and file() built-in functions. Errors and exceptions. Functions, Classes, Modules, useful functions. Python basics: Statements and syntax, variable assignment, identifiers, basic style guidelines, memory management, First Python programs, Related modules/developer tools. Python Objects: Other built-in types, Internal Types, Standard type operators, Standard type built-in functions, Categorizing standard types, Unsupported types. Numbers: Integers, Double precision floating point numbers, Complex numbers, Operators, Built-in and factory functions, Other numeric types. Sequences: strings, lists, and tuples: Sequences, Strings, Strings and operators, String-only operators, Built-in functions, String built-in methods, Special features of strings, Unicode, Summary of string highlights, Lists, Operators, Built-in functions, List type built-in methods, Special features of lists, Tuples, Tuple operators and built-in functions, Tuples special features, Copying Python objects and shallow and deep copies. Mapping and set types: Mapping Type: dictionaries and operators, Mapping type built-in and factory functions, Mapping type built-in methods, Dictionary keys, Set types, Set type operators, Built-in functions, Set type built-in methods. Conditionals and loops: If, else and elif statements, Conditional expressions, while, for, break, continue and pass statements, else statement . . . take two, Iterators and iter(), List comprehensions, Generator expressions. Files and input/output: File objects, File built-in functions [open() and file()], File built-in methods and attributes, Standard files, Command-line arguments, File system, File execution, Persistent storage modules. Errors and exceptions: What are exceptions? Detecting and handling exceptions, Context management, Exceptions as strings, Raising exceptions, Assertions, Standard exceptions, Creating Exceptions, Why exceptions, Exceptions and the sys module. Functions: Calling, creating and passing functions, formal arguments, variable-length arguments, functional programming, Variable scope, recursion, generators. Modules: Modules and files, Namespaces, Importing modules, Module import features, Module built-in functions, Packages, Other features of modules. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Classes, Class attributes, Instances, Instance attributes, Binding and method invocation, Static methods and class methods, Composition, Sub-classing and derivation, Inheritance, Built-in functions for classes, and other objects, Customizing classes with special methods, Privacy, Delegation, Advanced features of new-style classes (Python 2.2+), Related modules and documentation. Execution environment: Callable and code Objects, Executable object statements and built-in functions, Executing other programs. 'Restricted' and 'Terminating' execution, operating system interface. Regular expressions: Special symbols and characters, REs and Python, Regular expressions example. Network programming: Sockets: communication endpoints, Network programming in Python, SocketServer module, Twisted framework introduction. Internet client programming: What are internet clients? Transferring files, Network news, E-mail. Multithreaded Programming: Threads and processes Python, threads, and the global interpreter lock, The thread and threading Modules. GUI programming: Tkinter and Python programming, Tkinter Examples, Brief tour of other GUIs. Web programming: Web surfing with Python: creating simple web clients, Advanced Web clients, CGI: helping web servers process client data, Building CGI applications, Using Unicode with CGI, Advanced CGI, Web (HTTP) Servers. Database programming: Python database application programmer's interface (DB-API), ORMs. Miscellaneous Extending Python by writing extensions, Web Services, programming MS Office with Win32 COM, Python and Java programming with Jython.

Complete Python programming
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Definitive Kamailio for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

Kamailio training course description Kamailio (formerly known as OpenSER) provides a scalable SIP server suitable for small through to carrier grade installations. This course will teach you how to install, configure and troubleshoot the Kamailio product. What will you learn Install Kamailio. Control Kamailio. Configure Kamailio. Troubleshoot Kamailio. Kamailio training course details Who will benefit: Technical staff working with Kamailio. Prerequisites: Definitive SIP for engineers. UNIX fundamentals. Duration 3 days Kamailio training course contents What is Kamailio? What is SER? SER history, OpenSER, versions. Kamailio. Supported platforms, SIP review. Hands on Simple SIP telephony without a SIP server. Installing Kamailio Downloading Kamailio, Installation from source, package installation, CVS, default passwords Hands on Kamailio installation. Controlling Kamailio Starting, stopping and controlling Kamailio. Starting Kamailio automatically at boot time. Hands on Controlling the server First configuration Basic configuration. Hands on SIP telephony with Kamailio. Monitoring Logs, xlog, openserctl, syslog. Hands on Logging. Kamailio architecture Kamailio core, Kamailio modules, file locations, persistent data storage, database structure. Hands on Database integration. Core configuration Keywords, values, parameters, functions, routing blocks, constructs. Hands on Advanced Kamailio configuration. Module configuration Overview of modules available, AAA integration, least cost routing. Redirects Hands on Configuring modules. Architectures DNS integration, peering, OSP, NAT traversal, SIP to GSM. Hands on peering. Asterisk integration Altering tables to work with Asterisk, Asterisk as a voicemail system. Design issues, High availability. Hands on Integrating Kamailio with Asterisk.

Definitive Kamailio for engineers
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates

Definitive IP routing for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

Definitive IP routing training course description An intensive hands on IP routing course leading to LINX Accredited Internet Technician stage 2 focusing on routing in an IP environment. The course concentrates on OSPF and IS-IS but also covers BGP and MPLS. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. A multiple choice exam, leading to the LAIT II certification, is available after the course. The exam consists of 60 questions and lasts 2.0 hours. What will you learn Calculate subnet numbers in seconds. Configure and troubleshoot static routes. Explain how OSPF works. Build resilient networks with VRRP and OSPF. Implement and troubleshoot OSPF, IS-IS and VLANS. Evaluate and choose appropriate routing protocols for particular scenarios. An optional multiple choice exam, leading to the LAIT II certification, is included at the end of the course. The exam consists of 60 questions and lasts 2.0 hours. Definitive IP routing training course details Who will benefit: Network engineers Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers Duration 5 days Definitive IP routing training course contents Basic routing Review of LAIT I routing, reading routing tables. Hands on Setting up a routed network. Static routes Why use static routes? Default routes. Hands on Configuring static routes. First hop redundancy Default gateways, VRRP/HSRP/GLBP. Load sharing, critical IP addresses. Hands on VRRP. Basic OSPF What is OSPF? Process IDs, passive interfaces. Hands on Simple OSPF. Subnetting Bit boundary subnetting, calculating network numbers. Exercise: Subnetting. OSPF overview Metrics, convergence, DV vs. Link state, IGPs, classless, OSPF features, load sharing, OSPF authentication. Hands on OSPF features. OSPF within an area How OSPF works, LSAs, LSDB, router IDs, hellos, configuring hellos, exchange protocol. Hands on Investigating OSPF structures. OSPF areas Scalability, why areas? Area IDs, area 0, ABRs, ABR resilience, areas & LSDBs & LSAs, virtual links. Hands on Multi area OSPF. Redistribution Multiple routing protocols, common scenarios, routing distance, External LSAs, E1 and E2. Type 4 LSAs. OSPF and default routes. Hands on Configuring static route redistribution. Route aggregation Route summarisation. How to aggregate, CIDR, ASBR summarisation. Hands on OSPF address summarisation. OSPF packet formats OSPF packets, protocol stack, packet flows, OSPF headers, neighbours, neighbour states, DRs, adjacencies, BDRs, DR election. Hands on Analysing OSPF packets, troubleshooting. OSPF OSPF stub areas LSA types, area types, area architecture, stub areas, default routes, benefits & disadvantages of stub areas, TSSAs, NSSAs, Type 7 LSAs. Hands on Stub and TSSA configuration. IS-IS End systems, Intermediate systems, how IS-IS works, IS-IS router ID, Level 1, Level 2, IS-IS hierarchy. Hands on Configuring IS-IS, troubleshooting IS-IS. The Internet Autonomous systems, Peering, transit, looking glasses. Hands on Internet routing tables. Basic BGP IGPs, EGPs, What's BGP? BGP RIB, in/out process, tables peers, adding routes. Hands on Simple configuration and troubleshooting. Routing IPv6 Multi protocol routing, IPv6 addressing, IPv6 routing tables, IPv6 static routes, OSPFv3, IS-IS and IPv6. Hands on Routing IPv6. STP and L2 routing STP, RSTP, L2 IS-IS, Multi system link aggregation. Hands on RSTP. MPLS Core MPLS, MPLS and the 7 layer model, MPLS protocol, MPLS standard, MPLS runs on routers, MPLS history, Why MPLS?, LSRs, PE and P router roles, FEC, swapping labels, MPLS packet format. Hands on Enabling MPLS. Testing and troubleshooting of MPLS. Appendix EIGRP: How EIGRP works, DUAL.

Definitive IP routing for engineers
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates

LINX II training course description An intensive hands on IP routing course leading to LINX Accredited Internet Technician stage 2 focusing on routing in an IP environment. The course concentrates on OSPF and IS-IS but also covers BGP and MPLS. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. A multiple choice exam, leading to the LAIT II certification, is available after the course. The exam consists of 60 questions and lasts 2.0 hours. What will you learn Calculate subnet numbers in seconds. Configure and troubleshoot static routes Explain how OSPF works. Build resilient networks with VRRP and OSPF. Implement and troubleshoot OSPF, IS-IS, simple BGP and simple MPLS. Evaluate and choose appropriate routing protocols for particular scenarios. LINX II training course details Who will benefit: Network engineers. Prerequisites: LAIT I attendance and 55%+ exam score OR LAIT I exam only and pass (70%+) OR CCNA and take LAIT I exam on this course. Duration 5 days LINX II training course contents Basic routing Review of LAIT I routing, reading routing tables. Hands on Setting up a routed network. Static routes Why use static routes? Default routes. Hands on Configuring static routes. First hop redundancy Default gateways, VRRP/HSRP/GLBP. Load sharing, critical IP addresses. Hands on VRRP. Basic OSPF What is OSPF? Process IDs, passive interfaces. Hands on Simple OSPF. Subnetting Bit boundary subnetting, calculating network numbers. Exercise: Subnetting. OSPF overview Metrics, convergence, DV vs. Link state, IGPs, classless, OSPF features, load sharing, OSPF authentication. Hands on OSPF features. OSPF within an area How OSPF works, LSAs, LSDB, router IDs, hellos, configuring hellos, exchange protocol. Hands on Investigating OSPF structures. OSPF areas Scalability, why areas? Area IDs, area 0, ABRs, ABR resilience, areas & LSDBs & LSAs, virtual links. Hands on Multi area OSPF. Redistribution Multiple routing protocols, common scenarios, routing distance, External LSAs, E1 and E2. Type 4 LSAs. OSPF and default routes. Hands on Configuring static route redistribution. Route aggregation Route summarisation. How to aggregate, CIDR, ASBR summarisation. Hands on OSPF address summarisation. OSPF packet formats OSPF packets, protocol stack, packet flows, OSPF headers, neighbours, neighbour states, DRs, adjacencies, BDRs, DR election. Hands on Analysing OSPF packets, troubleshooting. OSPF OSPF stub areas LSA types, area types, area architecture, stub areas, default routes, benefits & disadvantages of stub areas, TSSAs, NSSAs, Type 7 LSAs. Hands on Stub and TSSA configuration. IS-IS End systems, Intermediate systems, how IS-IS works, IS-IS router ID, Level 1, Level 2, IS-IS hierarchy. Hands on Configuring IS-IS, troubleshooting IS-IS. The Internet Autonomous systems, Peering, transit, looking glasses. Hands on Internet routing tables. Basic BGP IGPs, EGPs, What's BGP? BGP RIB, in/out process, tables peers, adding routes. Hands on Simple configuration and troubleshooting. Routing IPv6 Multi protocol routing, IPv6 addressing, IPv6 routing tables, IPv6 static routes, OSPFv3, IS-IS and IPv6. Hands on Routing IPv6. STP and L2 routing STP, RSTP, L2 IS-IS, Multi system link aggregation. Hands on RSTP. MPLS Core MPLS, MPLS and the 7 layer model, MPLS protocol, MPLS standard, MPLS runs on routers, MPLS history, Why MPLS?, LSRs, PE and P router roles, FEC, swapping labels, MPLS packet format. Hands on Enabling MPLS. Testing and troubleshooting of MPLS. Appendix EIGRP: How EIGRP works, DUAL.

Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates

MySQL server administration


By Systems & Network Training

MySQL server admins training course description This MySQL Server administration course is designed for MySQL Server administrators who have a basic understanding of a MySQL database and a good working knowledge of SQL commands. The course provides an understanding of MySQL Architecture and practical experience in setting up, configuring and maintaining a MySQL server, backing up and recovering data and optimising query performance. This MySQL Server administration course also covers MySQL replication and its role in high availability and scalability. What will you learn Use MySQL Workbench. Install and configure a MySQL Server . Administer and tune a MySQL server. Configure log files and interpret error messages.. Secure the Server. Administer a replication topology. MySQL server admin training course details Who will benefit: Database administrators, Database developers and Technical consultants. Prerequisites: Introduction to MySQL Duration 5 days MySQL server admin training course contents Introduction to Oracle Application Express APEX concepts APEX main components Workspaces, database applications and websheet applications Creating a workspace The Workspace Administrator Upgrading APEX Logging into APEX Running an application SWL Workshop Use APEX to browse, create and modify objects Process ad hoc SQL statements Manage scripts in APEX Create, run and save SQL queries Build a database application Application components Create an application Create an application from a spreadsheet Create reports Create reports using wizards Edit report attributes Add links to reports Create a link to a printer-friendly version of a report Save and print reports in different formats Using files Uploading images Creating cascading stylesheet files Uploading static files Adding an Image as an application logo Adding a reference to a Javascript file Pages and regions Web form behaviour in APEX Create a form based on a table Create a form based on a procedure Create a form with a report Create a tabular form Format a form Locking in APEX forms Creating lists of values Overview of application express shared Components Dynamic and static lists of values Create a dynamic list of values Create a static list of values Use a list of values to control data in a report Create a cascading list of values Items and buttons Understand the different Types of items Create items Understand and edit item attributes Use Javascript with item Manipulate items in tabular forms Add dynamic items to a report Create and edit buttons Page Processing Page rendering and page processing Create computations Validate input data Process Data Understand application branching Create conditional branches Shared components Overview of application express navigation components Manage parent and standard tabs Create navigation bar entries Create and use lists and list items Manage breadcrumbs Create shortcuts Shared component subscription User interface defaults Display dynamic content Filter reports with dynamic queries Create charts with a wizard Format charts Create calendars Add links to calendars Create hierarchical trees State and debugging Understand session state Set a session state value Clear the session state Review the session state Review the messages in debug mode Enabling feedback Managing feedback and team development Themes and templates Switch to a different theme View existing templates Understand and manage templates Create a new template Add references to cascading stylesheet and Javascript files Dynamic actions and plug-in components Identify plug-in components and their types Plug In a component Create dynamic actions Use a plug-in in a dynamic action Building website applications Websheet applications and their components Create a websheet application Enable SQL and PL/SQL in a websheet application Add sections and pages to a websheet application Add links on a websheet page Add a data grid to a websheet application Create SQL reports ion websheet applications Add annotations to a websheet application Implementing security Authentication and authorization Provide an authentication scheme Create an authorization scheme using access control Enable and configure session state protection Deploy an appliction Define supporting objects Package an application Export an application Import an application Install supporting objects Administer Apex workspaces Manage workspaces and users Request a schema or storage Purge session state Monitor developer activity log Monitor workspace activity View activity reports Import a workspace Utility programs Import and export data Generate DDL statements View objects reports

MySQL server administration
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates

Querying Microsoft SQL Server


By Systems & Network Training

Querying Microsoft SQL Server course description This course covers the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server and provides the foundation for all SQL Server-related disciplines; namely, database administration, database development and business intelligence. This course helps prepare for exam 70-761. Note: This course is designed for SQL Server 2014or SQL Server 2016. What will you learn Write SELECT statements. Create and implement views and table-valued functions. Transform data by implementing pivot, unpivot, rollup and cube. Create and implement stored procedures. Add programming constructs such as variables, conditions, and loops to T-SQL code. Querying Microsoft SQL Server course details Who will benefit: Database administrators, database developers, and business intelligence professionals. SQL power users, namely, report writers, business analysts and client application developers. Prerequisites: Database fundamentals Duration 5 days Querying Microsoft SQL Server course contents Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server Management studio, creating and organizing T-SQL scripts, using books online. Hands on working with SQL Server tools. T-SQL querying Introducing T-SQL, sets, predicate logic, logical order of operations in SELECT statements, basic SELECT statements, queries that filter data using predicates, queries that sort data using ORDER BY. Hands on introduction to T-SQL querying. Writing SELECT queries Writing simple SELECT statements, eliminating duplicates with DISTINCT, column and table aliases, simple CASE expressions. Hands on writing basic SELECT statements. Querying multiple tables cross joins and self joins, write queries that use Inner joins, write queries that use multiple-table inner joins, write queries that use self-joins, write queries that use outer joins, write queries that use cross joins. Hands on querying multiple tables. Sorting and filtering data Sorting data, filtering data with predicates, filtering data with TOP and OFFSET-FETCH, working with unknown values, WHERE clause, ORDER BY clause, TOP option, OFFSET-FETCH clause. Hands on sorting and filtering data. SQL Server data types Introducing SQL Server data types, Character data, date and time data, queries that return date and time data, write queries that use date and time functions, write queries that return character data, write queries that return character functions. Hands on working with SQL Server data types. DML Adding data to tables, modifying and removing data, generating automatic column values, Inserting records with DML, updating and deleting records using DML. Hands on using DML to modify data. Built-in functions Queries with built-in functions, conversion functions, logical functions, functions with NULL, queries that use conversion functions, queries that use logical functions, queries that test for nullability. Hands on built-in functions Grouping and aggregating data Aggregate functions, the GROUP BY clause, filtering groups with HAVING, queries that use the GROUP BY clause, queries that use aggregate functions, queries that use distinct aggregate functions, queries that filter groups with the HAVING clause. Hands on grouping and aggregating data. Subqueries Self-contained subqueries, correlated subqueries, EXISTS predicate with subqueries, scalar and multi-result subqueries. Hands on subqueries. Table expressions Views, inline table-valued functions, derived tables, common table expressions. queries that use views, write queries that use derived tables, Common Table Expressions (CTEs), write queries that se inline Table valued expressions (TVFs). Hands on table expressions. Set operators The UNION operator, EXCEPT and INTERSECT, APPLY, queries that use UNION set operators and UNION ALL, CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY operators. Hands on set operators. Windows ranking, offset, and aggregate functions OVER, window functions, ranking functions, offset functions, window aggregate functions. Hands on; windows ranking, offset, and aggregate functions. Pivoting and grouping sets PIVOT and UNPIVOT, grouping sets, queries that use the PIVOT operator, queries that use the UNPIVOT operator, queries that use the GROUPING SETS CUBE and ROLLUP subclauses. Hands on pivoting and grouping sets Executing stored procedures Querying data with stored procedures, passing parameters to stored procedures, simple stored procedures, dynamic SQL, the EXECUTE statement to invoke stored procedures. Hands on executing stored procedures. Programming with T-SQL T-SQL programming elements, controlling program flow, declaring variables and delimiting batches, control-of-flow elements, variables in a dynamic SQL statement, synonyms. Hands on programming with T-SQL Error handling T-SQL error handling, structured exception handling, redirect errors with TRY/CATCH, THROW to pass an error message back to a client. Hands on implementing error handling. Implementing transactions Transactions and the database engines, controlling transactions, BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK, adding error handling to a CATCH block. Hands on implementing transactions.

Querying Microsoft SQL Server
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates