We offer smart, subtle and sensitive training interventions to tackle sexual
harassment and bullying in the workplace. We can help raise the bar, find the
right balance, build awareness and give your people the confidence to bring
about meaningful and just behaviours. Hidden in plain sight No organisation or
individual sets out to create an uncomfortable, difficult or demeaning
environment and when we talk to senior people, the most common comment is “it
doesn’t happen here”. Yet the statistics say otherwise. Research also shows that
too often these issues remain underreported and unchallenged. According to a
recent YouGov Poll… “four out of five women(79%) who said they experienced
sexual harassment at work did not tell their employer about what was happening.”
Proactive It has become clear, from #MeToo onwards, that there is an important
balance to be found between creating a new culture and avoiding unjust
accusations. While the abuse of power may sometimes be unconscious, there is an
imperative to grasp the issue and implement effective and lasting change.