gina torres
Welcome to my world. I’m so glad that you’re here. I’m Gina and over the past 9
years I’ve been on a healing journey of self discovery. Its been life changing
which is why I’m now so passionate about working with women to help them find
freedom within their own bodies. I believe we are born with everything we need
to live a purposeful and abundant life, yet we all get tested along the way and
end up with layers of conditioning. That conditioning can be a form or
protection but it also can cause us to get disconnected from our inner essence.
The work I do brings you back home to yourself, in all of your divinity. It
reconnects you to your body and the wisdom held within. It’s not a magic pill
that will fix the ups and downs of life (and why would you want it to be? we are
here to experience everything) but what it can do is create a safe space for you
to just be you. To know undoubtedly and unashamedly that you belong in this
world, that you are allowed to take up space and that every part of you matters.
I want every person I work with to feel whole and to embody their inner essence
in whatever way that shows up.