floresco training
The workplace is changing, and the role that midlife women play in the workplace
is changing with it. With women over 50 currently shown to be the fastest
growing sector of the workforce, it is inevitable that your organisation will
likely have employees working through their menopause transition. Why does this
matter? Because the physical and emotional changes that can affect some women as
they transition through menopause can create temporary difficulties which may
have an impact on performance. Research has shown that as many as 25% of women
have considered resigning as a result of a lack of support from their employer.
With an estimated cost of £30-35K to recruit a vacant post, not to mention the
loss of intellectual capital, it makes sense for employers to actively support
their staff through this natural life stage. And it’s not just women either! We
need to consider those who don’t identify as cis women but who also may
experience the impact of hormonal changes through menopause, that’s basically
anyone who has menstruated at any time in their life including trans men and
non-binary employees. And let’s not forget the number of people who experience
an early menopause due to surgical or medical intervention, they need support
too. That’s why at Floresco Training Ltd our primary purpose is to help
employers to raise awareness and understanding of this natural, but often
ignored and misunderstood life stage, to ensure that everyone feels supported,
valued and heard.