vertigo ventures
Robust impact reporting for success and sustainability is at the core of our
belief system at Vertigo Ventures. By enabling the systematic measurement,
analysis and reporting of impact we believe that we are contributing to a more
sustainable world because future investment decisions can then be directed
towards further positive impact. To embed impact reporting globally is our key
purpose. By enabling the measurement of impact we believe we are contributing to
a more sustainable world. As impact experts with over 10 years of experience, we
continue to lead conversations about impact, support organisations to embed
impact reporting and deliver cutting edge technology solutions to help achieve
the UN Sustainable Development Goals.Vertigo Ventures (VV) empowers
universities, researchers and stakeholders (from industry bodies through to
policymakers) to understand, capture and demonstrate the impact of their
research. We co-launched the THE Impact Rankings in 2018 and continue to support
the event, helping many participants to achieve excellence by clearly showcasing
their research impact on an international stage. Through our innovative impact
reporting software (ImpactTracker™), our dedicated consultancy services and
comprehensive e-learning platform (ImpactAcademy™), we enable the world’s
leading institutions to maximise the impact of their work in social, economic,
environmental and other spheres.