otway's otters
The Otway S Otters Limited is a Private Limited Company that was incorporated on
28/03/2014. The Otway S Otters Limited company number is 08966343 and the
registered office address of this company is 25 Main Street, Post Town:- Kendal,
County:- Cumbria, Post Code:- La8 9lu and the origin country is United Kingdom.
The nature of business and Standard industrial classification of economic
activities (SIC) number of Otway S Otters Limited is 85510 - Sports And
Recreation Education and the current status of this company is Active. The Next
return Due date of Otway S Otters Limited is 25/04/2017 and the last return was
made up on 28/03/2016. The Accounts Next due date of Otway S Otters Limited is
31/01/2023 and the last account made up date was 30/04/2021. The confirm
statement next due date of Otway S Otters Limited is 11-04-22 and last made up
date was 28/03/2021.