‘Collage is a metaphor for any discovering, gathering ad reweaving of energy bits already formed and present in the universe. A new and personal creation can be made from the ever-present divine chaos of images all around us. Just choose, assemble, name and then inhabit your SoulCollage® cards’ -Seena Frost. Originator/birther of SoulCollage® When we come together to make SoulCollage® in community, amazing things happen. There is a magic in the paradoxes built into this journey that only requires you coming along with your curiosity and imagination. No artistic genius recquired whatsoever. Just your presence! Images have things to say to us. They can call us through our hearts, our instinctual knowing, and our open intuitive minds. In this sense, images offer us potals and openings to a deep wisdom stream. All you need to do is be open to the images that are asking for your attention. Then you make a collage, then you listen to what it wants you to know. It is simple, and prodound. Because SoulCollage® is a transformational experience, it is hard to convery this in writing. Here are some things people have said about a SoulCollage® session at The Soul Shed: "Loved this workshop, from start to finish it made my heart sing. It was a feast for the soul with words and images that were crafted into something rich and deep for me" -J.E "What stood out for me was how it just happened ....one thing alchemised into another thing” - L.B "I'd describe it as a good way to reconnect with your creative side, relax and maybe gain insight into what is happening inside you" - D.F. This is an in place event in a creative studio in the delightful village of Hartley Wintney. You might like to linger after we close and take a look at the local crafts and antique shops, or take a stroll around the village green just outside of where we will be for the day. It is really quite unique. Getting there: Full directions by car to the venue will come in the follow up to your booking. There is free weekend parking. The nearest train station is Winchfield.
WSET Level 3 in Wines Award is an advanced level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry and for wine enthusiasts.
Commission an original, traditional and quirky Portrait in oils, acrylics or digital sketches
Wine and Spirit Education Trust courses provide globally recognised qualifications that are suitable for both wine industry professionals and wine enthusiasts. As an award-winning WSET Approved Programme Provider (APP), West London Wine School has been certified to offer this qualification as part of the UK's Qualifications and Credits Framework which is accredited by OfQual.
Wine and Spirit Education Trust courses provide globally recognised qualifications that are suitable for both wine industry professionals and wine enthusiasts. As an award-winning WSET Approved Programme Provider (APP), West London Wine School has been certified to offer this qualification as part of the UK's Qualifications and Credits Framework which is accredited by OfQual.
The WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits (formerly known as the Foundation Certificate) is intended to establish the basic skills and product knowledge required in the service and retail of spirits; it is ideal for preparing a person for their first job in hospitality or retail.
The Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Level 1 Award in Wine (formerly known as the Foundation Certificate) is an ideal starting point for anyone who is considering embarking on a professional career in the drinks industry or those with no little or prior experience of wine tasting.
Learn the Essentials of Gift Wrapping & have some fun with your team this festive season What’s included (and how it will help): Step by step tuition covering all the Essential Techniques of gift wrapping so they never need to grab a gift/bottle bag again Practical guidance on tying different styles of Ribbon Bow so they can confidently use them on any gift (and when it’s best to use each one) Learn Pro tips so you feel less overwhelmed & can gift wrap quickly at busy times Plus all materials are provided A class is a great opportunity for team building/bonding so that people get to know each other outside of a work setting and/or meet people in person. It’s an inclusive alternative to a Christmas party (boozy meals/discos aren’t for everyone) and everyone gets to take away a gift at the end of the class. Packages start from £597 for groups of up to 10 people. Dates & times can be booked to suit. Book a call below to discuss your requirements.