the betty rocker
My name is Bree Argetsinger – but I’m also “The Betty Rocker.” I am a C.H.E.K.
(Corrective Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology) certified Exercise Coach,
a Nationally Certified Structural Integration Practitioner (realignment of the
body through manual therapy), an ISSA (International Sports Sciences
Association) certified fitness nutrition practitioner, and an all around fitness
motivator and champion of personal growth. I am the founder of Rock Your Life,
an online fitness studio with live streaming home workout classes, 30 day
Challenges, healthy recipes, and an empowering women's fitness community. Over 3
million people worldwide have taken my now famous free 30-day #makefatcry
Challenge. I work with people all over the world, helping them transform from
the inside out! I invite you to listen to my podcast, The Betty Rocker Show to
get to know me better and learn about the 4 Pillars of Health (which are sleep,
nutrition, stress management and exercise) and the many ways you can rock your
body and your life.