crazy 4 kids
Crazy 4 KidsWe are currently open on all nursery and Out of School Club sites.
Crazy 4 Kids has invested in anti-virus units (Hextio Units) across all sites to
help keep the environment safe for staff and children. These units are not a
cure for COVID-19 but another layer of protection for the setting along with
strict cleaning routines and COVID-19 monitoring. Crazy 4 Kids are committed to
creating a ‘clean air’ environment. Crazy 4 Kids was established in 2009, but my
passion for children and making a difference started in 1988 when my own
children started pre-school and I became a parent helper and realised, that I
loved working with children! From that moment on, I have never stopped working
toward making a difference for children and their families and was very excited
when I opened my first Out of School club in 2009. Crazy 4 Kids now has 6 sites,
facilitating approximately 500 families with children aged 6 months to 11 years
and a dedicated team of professionals who are equally passionate and want to
‘make a difference’ to children’s lives. We welcome you to the Crazy 4 Kids