piano school cambridge
Stefano Manca is the Director of the Piano School Cambridge from September 2017,
and a member of the Incorporated society of Musicians.
He provides one to one private Piano Tuition & Music Theory to children and
adults. Included preparation for Concerts, ABRSM & TRINITY Exams and Musical
He has achieved the “Orff-Schulwerk” qualification in 2010 at Tor Vergata
University in Rome. In recent years, this method has become very popular and
relevant for helping children in the approach to music education by combining
music, drama and speech into lessons that are similar to child's world of play.
Thanks to this qualification, he has achieved an excellent capability in
relating to children from both an emotional and musical point of view. This
makes him an ideal music teacher able to make every child involved and
passionate about music. Â
Born in Bari (Italy) in 1986; he has obtained his Bachelor of Music cum Laude in
2010 and Master of Music in Piano Solo cum Laude and Honourable Mention in 2013,
both from the Conservatory of Bari (Italy). He has attended several
specialization courses and master-classes in Italy, Austria and England with
some of the best Italian and Foreign teachers (among them M. Somma, G.
Sannicandro, E. Sarno, F. Altamura, D. Fung, E. Schumann, J. L. Wood, A. Delle
Vigne) and he was always selected to perform in the final concerts. He has also
attended a harpsichord master-class by M°M. Bisceglie. During the years at the
Conservatory he has developed his own vast and technically complex musical
repertory. Starting from "The Well-Tempered Clavier" by Bach up to Gershwin's
Jazz; rising from the pillars which are Beethoven's music and Liszt music. This
repertoire requires considerable technical skills and an extraordinary passion
for music. He was invited to perform in piano and chamber music concerts, music
lectures, music master-classes, music workshops in ITALY, UK, AUSTRIA, meeting
great public acclaim. He regularly performs piano and chamber music recitals
around Cambridge; most of them in colleges like Homerton, Trinity, Robinson,
Clare, Girton, Newnhouse College. He regularly performs also at the Church of
Our Lady and English Martyrs in solo and chamber music concerts.
The piano course 2022/23 is both "online" and "in person"Â
* The students can play on a Roland FP-30 Digital Piano / an Hellas upright
Piano / a Digital Grand Piano Yamaha CLP-765
* Parents will be informed about child's progress via email once a termÂ
* During the year the School will organize “end of term concerts” (Christmas,
Spring and Summer); students will have the opportunity to perform in front of
parents and friends to show their achievements
* Le Petit Concert: Â It's a series of monthly concerts. No more than 6 students
at the time. A perfect opportunity for students to perform in front of an
audience. A good training in preparation of exams or music competition. And a
good way for parents to check on their children's progress.Â