all london
Our committee (pictured right) organises London-based face-to-face events to
encourage close and sustainable networking between people: “The January Event”
(usually the 2nd/3rd Saturday), “The June Event” (usually the 2nd Saturday) and
“The TiLT Conference” (Technology in Language Teaching – usually the 3rd
Saturday in April). In October we hold a Student Teacher Reception and a ‘Show
and Tell’ at the Language Show Live followed by a social. These are all
supported by generous sponsors/partners, and we often receive lovely feedback
from the delegates. We hope that our photo gallery conveys the vibrancy of our
events! We pay to have access to online spaces in which we can hold Webinars,
the recordings of which can be accessed later by those who cannot attend ‘live’!
We are inclusive! Although we strongly encourage people to join ALL which
supports work done at a national level, our events are open to all those who
care about language Learning, wherever they live in the country. We keep in
touch with what is going on MFL in other areas on our Issues page where we host
important information about Severe Grading. If you have any queries, do not
hesitate to contact us . Please join our mailing list. We look forward to seeing
you one day!