liverpool cathedral
We are a community of people working and worshipping together as we bring our
different skills and gifts to the life of the Cathedral.Encounter is how a gala
dinner relates to a school trip. Encounter is how a tourist visit relates to an
awards ceremony. Encounter is how they all relate to our main purpose of prayer,
worship and service. People encounter us in many ways. But in each way, we hope
they encounter a warm welcome and sense of God. We believe you will encounter:
Inspiring Christian worship A breathtaking experience A community committed to
justice and mercy A safe, generous place in joy and sorrow A dynamic community
of staff and volunteers A God who knows and loves you Explore our history Find
out how it survived two World Wars, periods of recession and great hardship in
this once famous and important port of Liverpool, to become a tribute to the
dedication of a great many people and their skills. As you share this amazing
journey, it becomes evident just how important the Cathedral is to the heart and
the life of this now internationally acclaimed city of Liverpool.