This is the website for the Allographic Press. You may have been redirected from
our old site. Do enjoy this one! :) Allographic aims to specialise in producing
written and recorded publications of poetry, short stories, artwork, photography
and music (sometimes all at once...). We plan for our publications to be
available to buy online, at our live events, and in the shops, in a variety of
media. Allographic has four forms of live event - open mic with featured guests
every last Sunday of the month; “Allographic presents...”, a loose series of
events with bigger names from the spoken word scene, a set of workshops (also on
the last Sunday of every month) for aspirant poets, storytellers, and other
writers and performers, and a series of spoken stages at festivals - e.g. Wild
Strawberries at Strawberry Fair, Other Voices at Edinburgh Fringe, etc.