amanda king education support
Merthyr Tydfil
Amanda King began her career as a primary teacher in Buckinghamshire schools
where she worked for thirteen years as a class teacher, subject leader and
member of senior leadership teams. She was judged to be an excellent teacher by
Ofsted. In 2004 she was awarded a Masters Degree with distinction in Education
(Language and Literacy) and shortly afterwards was appointed as a Primary
National Strategy Literacy Consultant for Oxfordshire. In this role she has
provided support and training for schools across the county, improving practice
and raising attainment in all aspects of literacy and learning. An accredited
Consultant for Improvement, Amanda now works as an independent consultant
specialising in the learning, teaching and assessment of literacy and the wider
application of literacy and learning across the curriculum. She works both
nationally and internationally and is pleased to deliver courses and inset
sessions in association with Creative Education (
and Infinite Learning (