bee worldwide
In the 1950’s there were over 50 native species of bee in the UK, yet just a few
years ago there was just 27. In the past few years honey bees have experienced
more substantial declines. The UK used to be home to 27 species of bee, yet
sadly 3 of these are now extinct with many more under threat. Bee Worldwide has
been established in direct response to the growing number of declining bees. The
goal is to identify the reasons for the decline and work towards rebuilding the
ecosystem that is vital for the bees to regenerate their colonies. PreviousNext
123 This programme has several aims: to raise awareness of our current situation
to educate the importance of bees replant foraging areas that are fundamental to
the survival and reforming of bee colonies complete and promote research which
targets understanding the impacts bees and other pollinators have and the
effects of their current and future environment has on them. take action to
reverse any negative impact which has already occurred. Bee Worldwide primary
focus is to promote individuals and other groups to help bees in their own
communities by planting some bee-friendly plants in their gardens. We will
extend this to finding donated land and use volunteers to plant flowers in these
areas. We also hope to set up a franchise model to become a bee keeper under our
own brand, and this will include training, equipment and advice etc. Our
research will be world leading and we will also collaborate with universities
who are also working in this field of study. This will include monitoring bee
movements with trackers (little backpacks) bee counting and many more scientific
experiments. With the results, we can see if we can reverse any of the issues
and help promote these messages so others can assist with the issues. Over time,
Bee Worldwide will create a learning environment that will be an invaluable
resource for bee keepers and an aspiration to the public and the community at
large. About Meet the Team Contact Beekeeping Courses and Experiences Bee
Worldwide is a non-profit organisation raising awareness of the plight of the
bee and the ecological turmoil which threatens our planet. We are looking for
individuals and communities to help us resolve this crisis and spread our