la petite ecole franć§aise
La Petite Ecole Française (PEF) is an independent French school that follows the
French national education system. The school is part of the AEFE (Agence pour
l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger) and enables its students to progress to
existing French speaking schools in London. PEF has been awarded French
Education Nationale ‘Homologation’ status for all its levels from Petite Section
to CM2. The ‘Homologation’ confirms that the school is following the learning
methods and objectives of the French curriculum. The school caters for up to 190
children from the age of 3 to 11, after which they progress to schools such as
the Lycée Français, Ecole Primaire Jacques Prévert or the Lycée International de
Londres Winston Churchill. There are currently two Petite Section classes, one
Moyenne Section class, one Grande Section class, and a double-level MS/GS. In
the primary section, there are double-level classes for CP/CE1 and CE2/CM1 and a
single-level class for CM2. The classes are intentionally kept small so that
each child can be given the special attention they require. La Petite Ecole
Française was founded in 1983. At the end of June 2010 the school relocated to
73 Saint Charles Square. The current location is ideal for a nursery school; it
is set away from the main road, the playground is large and the classrooms are
light and well designed. The school operates from two ground floors and a first
floor, which have been extensively refurbished, whilst maintaining a homely
feel. Entry is non-selective and we invite those who are interested to make an
appointment with the office to visit the school. However, as the school follows
the French national education system and the majority of the lessons are in
French, the children are expected to be conversant in French (only for Primary
levels) prior to joining the school.