Cesium Group | The Leading Head-Hunter for the Global Drinks industry Cesium are a headhunting and HR consultancy specialising in the beers, wines and spirits categories, both globally and in the UK.
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Jo Murfin Coaching - Jo Murfin Coaching Jo Murfin Coaching – Specialist Leadership & Career Coach. Helping people to explore new ideas and find their strengths for a great career.
Kayak and Canoe Coaching/Guiding Company| LM Coaching A Kayak and Canoe Coaching and Guiding company, run by a female paddlesports coach, delivering Canoe/Kayaking throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe.
Welcome Insight - Improve leadership & management performance Welcome Insight works with senior leaders, boards, directors, partners and managers to improve performance. Bespoke coaching & development programmes.
James O'Halloran the Innovators Coach James works with Founders and Entrepreneurs. Innovative people and their teams. A strategic thinker, he will explore wide and deep until the necessary action becomes clear AND compelling. James works with you on the wicked problems of business life: Leadership; Strategy; People; Recruitment; Motivation; Delegation; Money. James will help you find flow, joy and headspace. The rest is inevitable.
Performance Coaching | United Kingdom | Reach for More. Unlock and unleash your true potential at work and across your life to achieve peak performance. At Reach for More, Anna-Marie creates bespoke coaching partnerships with clients to create healthy, sustainable change.