Welcome to Soulmates Academy Foundation a charity set up with the aim of equipping 1m people to do relationships well!As part of our services to Communities, we're excited to be developing a small group resource to help churches do relationships better.
Conversing (Course 1) Marriage Destroyers & The Apology Conversation
It has really been Aoibheann's skill and compassion as a healer that has finally helped me shift the impossible. I am forever indebted to her and unendingly grateful to Aoibheann ... Look carefully during your next session and you may just see Aoibheann's wings peeking out over her shoulders.
Expressive Voice Coaching - Expressive Voice vocal freedom, artistry, craft, mind, song, musicality, connection, community, rebellion, love, self expression, spirituality, spontaneity, STRENGTH,
Integral - Redesigning Humanity We are Redesign Humanity by coaching people and businesses in Integral and Design Thinking, so that they can in turn design and create a better world for all of us to live in.
An Exciting New Digital Workshop for Character and Attitude Development To purchase the digital course package at a special introductory offer of £90, please send your contact details to:
Welcome to the ESMS family of independent schools for children aged 3-18 in Edinburgh. Together our schools have been turning out world-class boys and girls for over 150 years. We offer a co-educational Junior School, single-sex but closely twinned secondary education for boys and girls and a co-educational Sixth Form. ESMS also offer flexible Boarding options from age 10 in Dean Park Boarding House. Find out more about our history below, as well as information on staff vacancies, our contact details and our term dates.