maria falconer photography
Maria Falconer is a professional photographer and part time lecturer in
Photography at De Montfort University. ย She also runs online and live workshops
with her partner Paul Hill in the UK and Europe. She holds an MA in Photography,
is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and has exhibited in the UK,
France, Belgium, Ireland, South East Asia and the US.
Find out more about Maria Here []
Maria runs workshops with Professor Paul Hill, MBE.ย
Paul is one of the UK's most influential photographers and workshop leaders, who
has published several books and exhibited all over the world. Originally a
photojournalist, Paul has had a rich career as a photographer and and a teacher.
In 2008 he was awarded an MBE for services to photography and in 2014 the Royal
Photographic Society award for Photographic Education.
Find out more about Paul Here []