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MTEP engages BACP qualified Counsellors to work with our children and their families. The Counsellors assist with varied emotional and practical difficulties and help empower children through learning new skills and coping mechanisms to help them move forward and deal with future family difficulties.
Attendance Solutions Essex has a proven track record of providing services to schools which were traditionally provided by The Education Welfare Service. Independent of Essex County Council, the company has developed a bespoke model of service delivery capable of rapid and sustainable results. We work hard to deliver results within about 6 weeks. We work with our schools to develop strategies to turn around attendance and other welfare issues. We're happy to be in-school providing a hands-on service or to act in a more advisory capacity to help you implement changes needed to combat the issues you face.
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I'm your Subconscious Bullshit Eliminator™ Through coaching, workshops and speaking I help creative leaders build sustainable high performance and a life they never want to escape from.
Wellbeing Coaching | Life Hop Limited Management, training, wellbeing, mindful management, Life Hop Limited, mindfulness, coaching, mentor, coach, leader, leadership