Female, Masters-educated, Global Educator & Policy Maker and Author who walked solo across America whilst fat, funny and forty-sob-sob-sob-something. Now on a mission to help women become knowledgeable of how fear holds them back without them even realising it. Secondly, to raise awareness amongst teachers, parents and coaches of practices that can lead to empowerment and help children enter those areas where women are under-represented: STEM, Sport and Leadership.
Anne Wilkinson - Top Business Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach Top Business Coach based in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, Executive Coach, Career Coach, based Leamington Spa, Warwick, Online, UK
CoDevelopYou - Learning Consultant, Career Coach, Blended Learning Learning consultant. From learning design to f2f or virtual delivery, individual and team coaching and facilitation.
Team & Leader Development - Real Conversations Work Supporting Tech Founders to have real conversations with their teams, through coaching & workshops
THE CONDITIONS PANS and PANDAS are a set of conditions which result in an inflammation of the brain causing a variety of neuro-psychiatric conditions such as OCD, tics and eating restrictions. These conditions are often misdiagnosed or blamed simply on bad behaviour and poor parenting. For more detailed information about these conditions please click here.www.panspandasuk.org WHO WE ARE PANS PANDAS UK is a charity which was established by a dedicated group of parents with children who are affected by these conditions. Determined to make a difference to the way these conditions are understood by the medical profession and the general public, the charity was registered in May 2018.panspandasuk.org WHAT WE DO The charity was originally created in order to raise awareness and understanding of these conditions amongst the general public and medical professionals. PANS PANDAS UK are working closely with a Network of Doctors in order to ensure better diagnosis and early effective treatment for those suffering with these little understood but life changing conditions. For more information about this network please click here. OUR MISSION It is the mission of PANS PANDAS UK to ensure that both conditions are recognised in every GP surgery, every school and every hospital, leading to early diagnosis and effective treatment. www
Notion - Global Experts in Coaching
Vocaltim - Singing Lessons in Coventry Tim Spencer is a vocal coach specialising in Musical Theatre and Pop Music in Coventry with over 25 years experience.
People Boost - Executive Coaching for HR, Change Executive Coaching for HR professionals - when preparing for change; build confidence, greater self awareness, improve your efficiency and get results!
Zoe Adnitt Coaching & Mentoring for Executives and Entrepreneurs Zoe Adnitt Coaching & Mentoring - developing Executives and Entrepreneurs to become successful and self-aware leaders. Online coaching programme available.
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